~My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. He had surgery to remove an enormous tumor and is currently in the hospital recuperating from the surgery. All I know is, I'm damn thankful I'm in therapy for this one. You'd swear my mother had never had a crisis in her life, or that she's never had to deal with one. Once again, I'm in charge. Well..me and my sister Cindi. Because Cindi lives 4 miles from them and I live about 30. Ha ha ha Cindi.
~I was thinking about my sweet dog Tucker today. He was a buff colored cocker spaniel who was the sweetest thing ever. Unless he didn't know you. Then he would bait you into petting him, so he could bite the shit out of your hand. Ask Ryan. When Ryan and I were just friends, I had a party at my house. I told everyone, "DON'T PET THE DOG! NO MATTER HOW CUTE HE IS." But my sweet Tucker would sit next to your leg, rest his head on your lap and then when you think, "Awww..he's harmless. SJT is crazy. I'm just going to pet this sweet dog." That's when he strikes. Bites you and usually will draw blood. Ryan came up to me, blood dripping from his hand and said, "I pet the dog."
I miss that dog. He was 14 years old when he died. Two things that made him amazing. 1: He would watch mice. I lived in a house with 6 guys and about 2000 mice. And my dog would just watch them WALK not scurry. WALK by him. And then he'd sniff their butts. Weird. Right? 2: If you were an Asian woman, who he'd never met, he would not bite you like everyone else. He loved himself the Asian female.
~My family has been dealing with a nasty cold for the past month. We seem to be passing it around to each other. Claire has the brunt of it. After 4 weeks of her being sick, I finally broke down and brought her to the doctor. She has another sinus infection. Her pediatrician told me it's common for Asian's to get sinus infections. We are a lucky race.
~I've been having random aches and pains lately. Some in my guts, and I attribute that to bad liver and digestive system. But I always go worst case scenario in my head. Unfortunately that's not where it always stays. I often will tell Ryan, "I'm dying! Something is wrong with me!" To which he'll roll his eyes and tell me I'm not dying. Or he'll just pat me and say, "I'm sorry sweetie." He's so sympathetic this one.
~ My doctors at the Mayo clinic have started me on a new homeopathic medication for my digestive system. Let me just tell you, IT'S FUCKING AMAZING! It's called Iberogast. It's been my savior. I no longer have nausea 6 out of 7 days a week, and the heartburn....in control. Sadly I can only get it though Amazon or the Iberogast website. I called every pharmacy in the Twin Cities. I mean every and they all said there was NO WAY they could get it. So thank you Amazon Prime. I love you too.

~We have had no winter this year at all. It's actually 40 degrees today. February 2nd. I say what the hell? I love snow. I love winter, and I'm getting jipped. Whoa is me.
~And that's about it. Not too much else going on. I do have Christmas and New Year's Eve photos and stories, but as you can see...things have been keeping me kinda busy. I'll get them up sometime. Maybe in the Spring.
1 comment:
Wow! You HAVE been busy! Your dog sounded like a hoot. But I'm surprised you were sued for the biting....
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