Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nick Jr. Raping our wallets since it's inception.

So...Claire is a victim of child marketing. Today while watching her morning cartoons on Nick Jr, there was a commercial for The Fresh Beat Band in concert. Now I think I have made it pretty clear I LOATHE this show. But Claire thinks it's the business. Eh...her demographic I suppose. And one dude has wobbly legs. Which makes him almost their generations Lucille Ball. I said ALMOST.

So Claire says to me:

"MOM! The Fresh Beat Band is in concert here!!! You just have to check their website and then you can see them ON A STAGE MOM A REAL STAGE!!! THE FRESH BEAT BAND MOM!!!!"

You hear the urgency and excitement?

So, I'm a good mom. I really am. And when my kids are THAT excited about something, the least I can do is check it out. So I google Fresh Beat Band in concert.

Thanks Google. The link to the theater in my city just pops right up. Creepy. Like Nick Jr. is IN my living room and knows. They just know. *shiver*

Like a zombie with no brain of my own, I click the link to see dates and ticket prices. Now...I really have no intention of purchasing tickets. Because the LAST thing I want to do is spend several hours in a small concert venue listening to millions of toddlers and kids Claire's age singing with these "teenagers". Who are really adults. Adults who have been dressed in "teen" outfits from the 1950's and are so coked up they are LITERALLY bouncing off the stage and walls.

But I check nonetheless. Cause I'm good that way.

And HOLY BALLS!!! The show is THIS Thursday. And tickets for the SECOND balcony are 125 dollars. Yep you read that right. 125 FUCKING DOLLARS PER TICKET!

Now to me this is just gross. I.....mean......GROSS! The pit tickets are 226 dollars per ticket. Laughable right? Do the kids leave with gold plated somethings?

Suffice it to say we are NOT going to see them. I lied to Claire and told her:

"They were already here and we should be mad at Nickelodeon for putting that commercial on our tv when they were already here. Don't they know how many kids in MN want to see them and that it's so mean to make the mommy's and daddy's look bad when it's really THEIR fault?"

She bought it hook line and sinker. Then agreed with me that it WAS an injustice. Then changed the channel to PBS. I figure I have about another year before she goes to the computer on her own and looks that shit up. Then I'm just screwed.

*Addendum. On "concert day" Thursday, Claire had a little friend over for a playdate. And little friend was in fact going to see the Fresh Beat Band in concert later that day. Busted. *sigh*

1 comment:

McVal said...

I did take my girls to an Aly & AJ concert a few years ago. I've never heard so many prepubescent girls screaming before. Especially when the opening acts whom I'd never heard of came out. Cute little boys bopping around on stage... You'd think it was Elvis. or Eddie Van Halen...