The other night was a lovely night here in Minnesota. It was cool and breezy and not at all humid. Quite a shift from the horrific humid/bring-your-own-knife-to-go-outside-and-cut-through-the-air weather.
And I revel in the notion of sleeping with my house WIDE open. Curtains (if I had them) blowing in the breeze.
But at about 3:00 am I am slapped in the eardrums. No, not from Claire and her Diego adventures. No no...I hear this....woo woo woooooo....woo woo wooooo....woo woo woooo.
Over and over. Non-stop. For 3 and half hours. I know where it's coming from.
Over the past few weeks, it has been too hot to have the house open completely. Well not so much hot as humid. But having the house open, reminded me that, in fact, several yards away, we have a neighbor, who lets their stupid, yippy, yappy, howling, barking dog out at 3 am. EVERY NIGHT. And I swear...that frickin dog is out to get me.
What dog do you know that barks NON STOP for hours. I breaks...just howling and barking all night long. It's annoying. Other neighbors have said they notice it too. And it drives them nuts. Cause it's high pitched and loud. One neighbor called the police cause it went on for so darn long. But...the dog kept barking.
I don't blame the dog, although by 4 am I am pretty sure I'm swearing AT the dog. But I completely blame the owner. Bad dog owner!'s some food for thought....can they NOT hear that incessant barking and carrying on? I can. And they aren't all that close to me. Annoying.
I feel bad for Ryan. He had to get up to leave at 4:30, but he was up at 3 with, "the dog" as we call it. And it's not even ours. Oh and to add insult to no sleeping injury, the kids have both been sleeping through the night.
It is better then the "wild pack" of dogs that once in a while go bonkers in the middle of the night, and sound like they have some kind of wild animal to rip to shreds. That is a sound...I do not like.At.All.
The Sleepytime Gods just don't want Ryan and myself sleeping past 3 am apparently. But I can only assume the weather will turn more in my favor. I will sleep with the house open. And I will probably invest in earplugs....Hmmm.....maybe not a bad idea. Claire is 3 now......she can fend for herself.
Maybe you know a certain dude who is skilled in the art of 'taking care' of animals?
I, too, have that problem. 6 dogs within a 70 foot radius of our apt. Do you have 311 in your area, or doesn't that extend into the burbs?
We have 3 dogs. Our neighbor hates them as they love to bark and let him know that they can see him when he's in his yard.
We used to tune them out, but when he started complaining about them we now are very sensitive about when his car is in his drive or not. If the dogs start barking, the instigating dog gets kenneled up for a while. It's usually our Basset. Her bark is very distinctive. We've even got bark collars for them. It doesn't work on the Basset - too much skin folds under her chin.
They're kenneled in the house every night tho. We did hear a dog barking all night last week from across the creek. I think they let their dog stay outside all night.
We turned our fan up to a higher speed to drown it out.
Good luck! I hope that dog settles down soon!
Darn dogs...
Get a fan. A very cheap, very loud box fan. It will drown out anything. Oh, you will become addicted the roar of the fan and won't be able to sleep without it, but you will be able to sleep. Ask Jill.
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