We started the morning with my "world famous pancakes". Labeled so by Miles. They are his favorite. Turkey sausage, grapes, and whatever juice they wanted. (For some reason we have a crazy big array of juices this week.)
Claire decided to break her sausages apart, making them kiss, and tell each other how much they love each other. Then proceeded to eat them. While saying, "ahhhh don't eat me...." In the tiniest of voices too. Miles insisted on announcing it was his "burp" day. Over and over and over. Until his sister was laughing uncontrollably, and his dad burped so loud the windows shook.
Miles' first gift was matching running shorts with his dad. They like matching things.
He got Lego kits, and Star Wars. That's all. And he was sooo happy.
I can't believe he is 5. I'm sad but happy at the same time. Next stop....kindergarten. *sigh*
Kindergarten!!!! I'll be on call the whole day :)
Wow! What a great day for him! I was a HUGE Star Wars nut!
Happy Birthday Miles!
Just had lunch with my cousin and family from Northeastern Minneapolis that are down in Ioway for a few days. They're headed back north today.
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