Recently someone I know, who blogs, was accosted by an anonymous "commenter". She is a little put off by the situation. The problem being, she runs a campground, and the "anonymous" person happens to be staying at her campground. They are verbally assaulting her. She fully acknowledges that she is the one who puts it out there. That her name is on the blog, and she is the one who is publishing it for the internet world to see. However....threats....not cool.
That being said....I definitely try to be somewhat anonymous myself when it comes to MY name. This blog of mine has my initials only. But not because I am big fat chicken who can't handle the criticism that my posts my sometimes incite. No no..it is to remain "private" from my ex husband. Who in my mind deserves a quick swift kick to the groin, among other things. But certainly not a window into my new lovely life.
My Facebook account is completely private. You can't find me unless you know my friends. And people. I AM NOT FRIENDS WITH JUST ANYONE. Numbers on Facebook mean nothing to me. I am not even searchable.
However. Due to the fact I have a crazy ex. (And let's face it, who doesn't in this day and age?) Ryan will do a Google search every once in a while to find my name.
Today....I told him about my friend's "situation". He said..."when you are on the internet, YOU ARE OUT THERE. Anyone can find your stuff. ANYONE."
I assured him...Ha HA!!!!! I am not! I keep my blog pretty private. Well at least I never put my full name. (Try to find me Google!) And I am private non-searchable with Facebook. Other then that, I don't have anything else internet wise.
He promptly entered my name into Google. And BAM! There is was...several sites down...but there nonetheless. AND with a link to this, here, "incognito" blog. Crap. I had at some point commented ON A FRIEND'S blog with my real name. Shit shit double shit! Stupid if you ask me.
So sorry friend....I will have to delete my comment I made on your blog about a million years ago...and hope to god that someone else with my name puts that link in the deep dark reaches of the world wide web.
Google. You are too damn good.
Ooh...I would love to give him a swift kick to the groin :)
OOh - That's scary! Can I help with the groin kicking? That sounds fun!
Thank you, dear for the moral support. I never intended to remain unfound. This adventure in blogging is an exercise in writing. If I want to write a book, it would be good to know if anyone would actually read it..... You have to take the good with the bad; and not everyone will appreciate my sense of humor. Given the response I have gotten, I would have to say that more people like my writing than those who don't. Criticism is a useful tool and gives one a chance to see their work through another set of eyes. The tone of some of my anonymous comments display a baser level of humanity and I feel certain that someone else had to help them even navigate the internet to find me. They seem to lack reading comprehension, as they have taken certain words and comments out of context. The whole mood of my writing is somewhat tongue in cheek and I am surprised that they were able to get much out of it unless someone with a higher level of reading comprehension were there to "dumb it down" for them. Maybe my sense of humor was lost in the translation....... Good luck staying hidden.
first time commenting on your blog; I get this with what you are saying about FB and blogging in general. I am soooo careful with what I put out there because you never know who is reading it or viewing it. It amazes me how many people have pictures of their young kids with ages, sometimes even school names, etc. I only post pictures in our family of our corgi and he looks like the majority of red-head tri-colored ones. I like and value my privacy; I think you feel the same
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