I'm not one of those parents who goes all out and dresses up to hand out candy, or to go trick-or-treating with my kids. But I am the kind of parent who throws caution to the wind, takes my kids as far as they want to go, and lets them eat all the candy they can stomach that first night. That way I get to have some too.
The evening started out nice. My parents, and my sister-in-law with her husband and their newly adopted daughter came to trick-or-treat. We had pizza for dinner, pushed, shoved, and wrangled the kids into their costumes, and made my parents stay to hand out candy.
We toured the neighborhood. And went to the local fire department, so the kids could sit in a fire truck and ambulance.
My kids are no fools when it comes to getting free candy. But....they are scared shitless of random dogs running like deranged lunatics to the front door with no screen. After 2 houses with dogs launching their little dog asses out the front door towards Claire, she was pretty cautious at the rest of the houses.
And there was one genius, who when he opened the door, had some kind of gross mask on his face, which freaked my kids out a bit, but they kept going, determined to get the snack sized peanut butter cup. When they politely said "trick-or-treat!" he yelled, "TRICK!!!!!" and sprayed them with silly string, and some kind of liquid. What kind of liquid you ask? I don't know.
Hilarious you say? I do too. But come on dude. Play to the audience. My 3 year old just about had an aneurysm and backed away so fast, if I hadn't been standing on the step behind her, she would have fallen down their steps.
After that, the kids were tired. Done and ready to go home. They didn't care how much candy they had. Miles said he was tired, and Claire kept quoting her favorite cartoon, "don't eat too much candy. It will make your tummy sick." So she decided she had enough to eat and NOT be sick.
We headed home and let the kids spread out the loot. Then about 5 pieces in, they both asked for some water, brushed their teeth and said they were done.
Halloween was fun. I like free candy. I sadly have had more then my fair share. Stupid Butterfingers. They call my name at midnight sometimes. What's a girl to do?
All the kids together
Claire was pretty excited to tell us what kind of candy she got
At the fire department. You can SOOOOO tell that my sister-in-law and Ryan are related. Can't you?
1 comment:
The kids looked awesome! And that one guy with the freaky mask has no right to spray your kids with any mysterious liquid. So not cool.
I always made sure my kids give me candy too. Whether it's Halloween or a parade.
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