Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm thinking Arby's.

Have you been to Arby's lately? I have. I'm a closet fast food lover, and to be honest, I had hoped my significant other would be too. But alas, he is a true believer of *gasp* healthy food. So that is how we live. Healthy Healthy Healthy.

For years Ryan has avoided, at ALL costs, Partially Hydrogenated Oils, or PHO. Not to be confused with the Vietnamese Pho. But in the wake of PHO being banned in New York restaurants several years ago, many fast food places have ceased in using PHO as one of their ingredients. YAY! Is what I had to say....

Sadly there aren't many here in Minnesota, land of the BIG portions, that don't use PHO. But Arby's does. And holy shit do my kids love the curly fries. It is a special SPECIAL day when Ryan says, "let's get Arby's." My kids love it.

So the other day we were out and about, and it was lunch time. We were no where near home, and the kids were blabbing about food, or something like that. And we drove our little selves to Arby's.

Let me start by saying....they are the cleanest fast food restaurant I have been in. They are also, without a doubt, the most customer driven business. I have not experienced anything but unusually courteous service. I mean, not just nice....but way over the top nice. Ryan and I comment on it everytime we're there. It's just amazing.

I have never been to a restaurant where the service workers are so attentive. And it's consistent people. No kidding. They have this bell that encourages you to ring it on the way out if you liked their service. Of course my kids ring it everytime they get the opportunity. But what IS unusual, is all the staff thank us for ringing the bell. Seriously! All the staff.

Anyway...go to an Arby's. Their food probably won't kill you as fast as some of the others out there, and you will be amazed at their service.

I also have to say, I didn't write this for Arby's. I can prove it by saying...shit damn fuck in this post...but I was so surprised....I had to say something. It's weird....I have paid many many dollars for very very fine food, and the service has been ungodly...but pay a few bucks to Arby's and get stellar service....Even if you don't eat the fast food, go there and get a soda or something....seriously!


Kelly said...

I wish I could give this post a fart noise. There are scores and scores of other restaurants in this city that appreciate and depend on you more. Oh, and their food doesn't taste like shit.

Sorry Sue. I've pissed off everyone else today. Might as well wrap it up with you.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Great... now I am hungry! But, alas, I now live in the freaking middle of nowhere and the only fastfood (and I say ha tongue in cheek, cause it is not fast) here is Hardees and Ronald McDonald.

McVal said...

I love Arby's too... but not for healthy reasons... darn. Are they healthy?
My 15 yo hates Arby's, so to keep the peace, we let her eat off the Wendy's $ menu.