I have continued to be mildly obsessed. I have re read those books. I have seen the original Twilight movie twice. It's all I talk to my 12 year old niece about when we see each other. And I have girlfriends who are major Team Edward.
Not that he isn't cute, but at the same time, like my previous post indicated....I'm 36. And Eric the Viking from True Blood....so cute. He's a vampire viking for the love of God!!! Is there really a contest?

Anyway I digress.....
So I was planning on going to see New Moon with a girlfriend I haven't seen in about 9 years. Weird? Not really. She was a good friend in college, and thanks to Facebook, we are friends once again. But...I got the stupid food poisoning Wednesday night and had to seriously recover all day Thursday. So no go on the midnight show. Ugh....and it was gonna be so cool. Standing out in the cold, waiting in line with a bunch of teenage girls and their moms at midnight. Did I mention I was "mildly" obsessed?
Anyway, my other girlfriend H...saw it twice yesterday! TWICE!!!!
Now...the reason I am posting about not being able to see this movie yet is this....
I know with 100% certainty I WILL see this movie at least twice. Once with my BFF when she is healthy enough to have lunch and see the movie, cause it's how we do...and once with my cousin and niece, because I promised, I love them both, and we are joined at the soul by Twilight.
But....I am miffed. I learned today one of my friends , who I never EVER imagined would see this movie or even knew what it was for that matter, has seen the movie. What the fuck?!? Seriously Kelly. I didn't know you were a closet Twi-hard. Even though you didn't like the sparklies? Now I KNOW something is wrong with the land I live in, if you saw it before me. Yeah...I'm jealous. A lot.
1 comment:
Um, that was the first Twilight that I just saw... again. I saw when it came out on dvd, and again the other night so as I could confirm what I was thinking... it IS the dumbest fucking vampire movie ever.
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