I want one.
My kids are growing up so fast I can hardly stand it.
Miles is reading. EVERYTHING.
Claire is getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and going back to bed. BY HERSELF.
I miss the baby time. I miss the 18 months to 2 year time. They develop their little personalities and are so much fun. I do love the things my kids are doing now too. They are learning and becoming people. Real little people who crack me up and make me crazy all at the same time.
But I long to hold a little baby. To feed a baby a bottle. To fall asleep on the sofa with a baby in my arms, snoozing away.
There are a few things stopping me from achieving this goal of expanding our family.
Roadblock #1: Money. We adopt our kids, and that takes money. Lots and lots of money.
Roadblock #2: The kids. Miles wants a boy and Claire wants a girl. I can't decide, but there would be mutiny. I just know it.
Roadblock #3: Ryan said flat out "NO". This is a biggie. I kinda need him to get another one.
I know. My BFF thinks I'm a little crazy. Cause let's face it. If I had been blogging about my life when we first got Claire, you too, would be saying...."Really SJT? Really?"
It was hard. Really hard. I swear, I cried everyday for months. I lost 25 lbs from the stress. But do I want to do it all over again? Well...not THAT particularly. But the baby deal. Yes.
I know it's a lot of work. I don't really want to think about this in my "fantasy" world of wanting another baby and thinking I could do it.
But....in reality, it's not going to happen. And that's ok. I love my kids. I love my husband, sane. But a girl can wish right?
I miss these babies. They're both around the age of 1.
Before I got to the part where you said I would think you were crazy I was already getting my comment ready in my head. It definitely involved me saying "YOU'RE CRAZY LADY!!!"
When we were expecting our 3rd child we found out it was a girl. My son wanted us to have a boy and my daughter wanted a girl. So we sat them down and said, "Ryan, you get to teach this baby everything you know..." His face brightened up... "Because she'll never figure that stuff out on her own." Then he started crying... But when he got used to the idea and she was born, he became her best buddy.
You can hold mine and feed mine pretty soon! And when he screams his little head off you can send him back to me and then be content in your decision not to have another one! haha
Is 22 months old close enough to a baby? You can have mine for a day. Or Two.
Just remember....be careful what you wish for.
Those cute little children develop hormones and turn into TEENAGERS one day.lolol
From the mother of three teens....lol
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