Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Upon reading about the girl who has been advocating for she and her girlfriend to attend their high school prom together, I ran across THIS article.

I knew there was still segregation in the south in one way or another, but fuck! Really? 2009 people!

How is it people are STILL so closed minded?

Some people in my life are not all that comfortable with the idea of gay marriage either. I am. I think it's appalling that it's illegal. It's embarrassing. I also will remind them on numerous occasions that not all that long ago interracial marriages were NOT legal in parts of the US. Granted it was primarily African Americans and Caucasians, but still. Thanks to a Supreme Court ruling that it was illegal to ban interracial marriage, things changed. That was 1967 people.

Thank god. Otherwise Ryan and I may have to go into hiding. Cause lord knows he is just about the whitest man I know and love.

Getting back to the prom debate.......

I'm annoyed and sad that these kids who are just trying to be themselves, can't, because people are still SCARED. That's right. SCARED. Bible or not. can't help who you love and want to spend time with. Besides, when I went to prom, I spent most of the night dancing with my girlfriends. And they were a lot more fun.

The soap box is now put away.

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