Once again I'm at the Mayo Clinic. I'm here for 2 weeks. This week and next. Way to spend spring break. Right? I'm here so they can run a few tests and do some Physical Therapy.
Let me begin by talking about the "here for 2 weeks" part. I drive down to the Mayo Clinic and back everyday. It's about an hour+ drive. Not bad if you are used to commuting all over the cities, but once you hear what I have to do here...you'll know why it sucks.
Thankfully, yesterday (Tuesday), Ryan and the kids came here with me, and we are staying in a hotel until Thursday. Less driving this week, as I meet with my doctor 3 times a day. Next week it's twice a week.
I'm on the "14th" floor of the Mayo building. Really it's the 13th, but you know how those old timey architects were scared shitless of the 13th floor. I'm sick and dizzy from going up and down in the damn elevator 6 times a day. Up down up down up down...barf.
But I digress.
So I'm here....and it sucks. I am doing PT 3 times a day. 8:15, 11:15, and 3:15. I would rather have a broom stick shoved up my ass at this point. Let's just say this about the therapy. I'm uncomfortable. My body is ANGRY about it. It's somewhat humiliating. (If you know me in real life, you'd understand why) And...at this point, my PT doc knows me MUCH better than Ryan ever has or will.
There...that's all you get. You will blush and puke if you knew more.
On the upside of this "trip", we have friends here who have been amazing. My girlfriend showed me around Rochester. Fancy. Then they had us over for dinner last night. What a time. Our kids had so much fun together. And tonight, we are meeting for dinner and going swimming in the e-coli infested hotel pool. Good times.
Down side....sleeping with kids in a hotel. They snore, they moan, they kick, they fall out of bed. Miles slept with me last night and I swear. That kid was perpendicular to me all night. On top of that, if he hit any resistance with his feet, he kept kicking until "it" (ie: me), moved.
One may just forget where they are and why they're here. If not for the constant reminder of..."hello SJT. Have a seat."
Aaaaannndddd......cue elevator. AGAIN.
1 comment:
The elevator might drive you crazy, but you might want to remember that climbing 14(13) flights of stairs would be even worse!
I'm thinking of you!
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