Claire has been fascinated with this cartoon called Ni-Hao-Kai-Lan. It's basically the Chinese equivalent to Dora The Explorer. She now has their playsets. All of them. She also still loves all things Disney Princess. Ugh. I can't wait for this phase to be done and over with. I can only handle so much "Tra-la-la-la-LAAAAAA-ing" before I go bonkers postal. Or as my friend likes to say, "bat shit crazy".
Miles on the other hand...still got Star Wars. This kid will never, I repeat NEVER grow out of Star Wars. And I have to admit, I'm coming around to it. Kind of. Well not really, I'm just giving into the obsession. He has however decided he likes these things called Bakugan. I don't know. I'm not a fan, but he and his friends love them. So I guess he's kinda on that bandwagon. They too, will eventually fall by the wayside. And when that happens, all his Star Wars collectables will be there with open arms. And his 5 gagillion light sabers and Star Wars tee shirts. Although, my good friend Anne suggested I make a quilt out of the tee shirts when they get to small. It's a great idea. Now if only I knew how to sew. Hmmmmmm.....Oh good friend Anne does. Nice suggestion friend. Get to work! That quilt won't make itself. Hee hee.
And throw in a few video games for both kids, and a Happy Birthday to my sweet little babies.
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