Friday, August 13, 2010

Wild God Damn Kingdom over here.

As I contemplate going to bed, I am disturbed beyond belief, that at 10:48pm, there is a crow cah cawing his damn ass off in my front yard.

Top that off with the fucking barking dog that some dipshit leaves out all night, and you know it's a little tiny fucker too. Aaaaand I'm up. Annoyed and frustrated and well...annoyed.

These noises that I hear are not the pleasant sounds of the 'burbs. I should hear crickets along with the highway. Not a bird trying to "get some" in the middle of the night, along with a dog that apparently doesn't have an off switch to it's high pitched incessant bark.


And I thought Ryan's snoring was my biggest sleeping pet peeve of all time. Not so much.

I need to sleep. I have way tons of stuff weighing on my mind tonight. My body needs rest. I feel all kinds of broke down and bad. I'm stressed out. I'm having a pity party and NO one showed up. Stupid feeling sorry for myself. I hate it. But it happens.

Eh...tomorrow is another day. Just wish my friend Kelly lived close to here. He'd take care of some shit. (PS don't link to this if you don't like seeing dead animals.)

Stupid fucking bird and dog. GAAAHHHHHHHH!


Kelly said...

Yeah, well you should link to it if you like seeing justice.

onefunnygook said...

It's nice to know you are human. We all have bad days and in your case, it's justified. I've been going thru a bit of insomnia myself lately and it makes all the minor annoyances magnified ten-fold. Hang tough, sis! I love you...