I have been dreading today for weeks. I went to the Mayo Clinic again. I was scheduled to have an ERCP today. It sucks. I had one done many years ago and developed Pancreatitis from it. No fun. Talk about being sick as a mother fucker. Gahhhh.....I've not been that sick since EVER.
Anyway. Ryan and I left at the crack of dawn to get there in time. I did my blood draw, and then had 2 hours to kill before the "Biggie". But because I was fasting for the procedure, we couldn't even stop to get a coffee or anything. We just walked around. Then headed up at 11 for check in.
Here is the worst part about the whole thing. 1: I had to fast. And my procedure wasn't until after 11. Can we say hungry? 2: The waiting room was at least 60 degrees, if not cooler. No eating and cold? Yuck. 3: Then found out at 11:30 they were behind and I would most likely have to wait until after 2PM. Holy-fucking-shit! I was so hungry, I think I told a friend in an email that if she was next to me, I may just gnaw off her arm.
So they get me in. And of course can't find a good vein for the IV. Apparently this Korean has teeny tiny veins. So 4 sticks later, they got the stupid thing in. (I have a major aversion to my veins breaking because of the IV. Who doesn't?)
Then the doctor came in. Got my history, said, "Excuse me, I'll be right back" , and left. I thought he either A: was disturbed with my history, B: had the schmotz, or C: my history disturbed him so much he got the schmotz. Either way, he was gone. And I was left to watch my IV bleed all over the blanket.
When he came back he told me all the major risks of the ERCP. And apparently they're not good. And because I had the Pancreatitis before, I was at major risk of getting it again. NO THANKS on that special treat. So after much discussion with my physician, and re-looking at scans and tests and whatnot, it was decided I didn't need to go through with the procedure.
THANK THE LORD! I swear if I hadn't been connected to an IV I would have jumped on the man and laid a big wet lickery kiss on him.
Ryan was shocked that I was out and walking and talking to him when I went to the waiting room. The last time I had tests done I was a drooling, blathering, fool. I think I asked the doctor who performed the surgery if I "had gas" during the surgery. Ugh...gun, bullets? Yes please. And of course Ryan told me later about it. My humility had been set at an all time low. Ugh.
I told him what happened today and he was all indignant about it. How if I had travelled from far and wide, what a shit deal it would have been. I don't care. I wasn't poked and prodded and then sent out to barf all over the Mayo Clinic. I was a happy lady. I called my mom to tell her and the kids we'd be back soon and that I was "AWE-SSSSOMMMMEEEE!!!" And yes it was sing song. Then we got a Jimmy John's sub and I think I scarfed that fucker down in about 2 seconds. Note to self...when fasting for almost 24 hours....do not, I repeat DO NOT eat a whole sub and chips in 2.43 seconds. It.Is.Not.Good.
Tomorrow I meet with my doctor and surgeon. Surgeon to discuss a liver resection. IE: removing 3/4 of my liver just for shit's and giggles. Apparently we will discuss the risks. We're not even going to talk about do it, not do it. Just....here's what you should worry about. Yep. Fun.
At least I got to spend a wonderful evening with my family and neighbors. The kids and the neighbor girl always play at night and we shoot the shit with her parents. It was nice indeed. We discussed the new and upcoming 3D porn that will be in IMAX. Should be really......big.
1 comment:
Seriously?! Porn at the Imax? Someone said Popcorn and you misheard, right?
Sorry about all the yucky medical stuff. They're removing 3/4 of your liver "just for fun"? wow. They need to get out more.
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