The kids perform their dances, songs and Tae Kwon Do. It's cute. VERY long. And if you don't have a kid or grandkid in the program, it's just downright mean for someone to ask you to go. After the program there is a Korean lunch. It's delicious. All our favorites. Korean BBQ. mmmmm........
Well. Like I said, the program itself lasts 2 hours. Two you're-lucky-my-kid-is-in-this-program-or-I'd-snap hours. This is why.....
Yeah. That's almost 300 Korean kids. Not shitting you. And their "teen helpers".
Every grade level does songs and dances.
The B&W is of Miles singing. It was so hard to get close up, and we don't have a zoom lens yet. So go with it. It's the best you're gonna get today.
Then they have the BIG finale...the Tae Kwon Do demo. Oh my GAWD!!!! How annoying was that you ask? Super.Annoying.Beyond.Belief. Sincerely. Oh for crap's sake.
It started off with these "too cool for school" korean young adults blasting that song, that according to Ryan, "Every marital arts demo starts with." It's like chest thumping techno music. I loathed it. But it got them all hyper and sweaty. And eventually woke the kids up after sitting for almost 2 hours on high school bleachers. I personally would have preferred this song...but beggars can't be choosers.
Miles broke his first board. With a kick no less. He was very proud of it too. I don't have a photo of that because one of the "helpers" stood in front of him. Oh year...note to self.....get zoom lens.
All in all.....a great week at camp. Miles was very sad after the program. Most of his friends had left and he laid in my lap eating his Korean popsicle. Laid. Poor baby. He looked like someone took his favorite Star Wars character and murdered him right in front of his face. The boy was crushed. He loved camp. Thankfully it's a summer camp and he can go again next year.
Claire? Not so interested.
In other news...I did learn some very interesting things about my friend Deb. Like digging on Korean men interesting. You naughty girl.
1 comment:
omg - wow! I have never in my life seen so many korean kids together in one room! The pics were beautiful, but you definitely need to get that zoom for close ups... ;) Next year, I want to come watch Miles and Claire. I promise I won't get bored. Thnx for sharing, Sue! <3
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