I went to this camp when it first began over 30 years ago, and my mom was the director for many years. I loved it. It was so a part of me.
This year was Miles' first year. I was worried. Mr. I-don't-eat-shit-ever-because-I-just-don't, would have to eat Korean food everyday for lunch. And it is ALL day camp. So not eating at lunch time when you have a minimum of 3 recesses...would make for a very hungry tired Miles.
But to my surprise, he eats everything. Every.Fucking.Thing. Unbelievable! He told me he will try everything because it's Korean. Well hell! If I knew all I had to do was tell him what he was eating was Korean food...my last 4 years of feeding him would have been WAYYYY easier. My BFF said I should tell him, from now on, it's all Korean food. And I won't be lying. I mean...I'm Korean. And I'm "making" all his food. So technically...it's Korean food. Right? Of course right.
The other thing he said he loves about camp, is being around all the Korean kids. Miles LOVES being Korean. Absolutely loves it. He has even gone so far as to wish out loud that Ryan would be Korean. Cause he is, "For sure missing out on it."
Miles is a whole other person at camp. He is thriving. He is active and funny and excited about it everyday. I mean....there are 300+ Korean kids at this camp. He is in heaven.
Claire on the other hand said to me, "Do I have to go to Korean camp? You know, I just look Korean. I'm not though." We're still working on this with her.
Miles on his first birthday. He is wearing his traditional Hanbok for his Toljabee. Yes indeed. Miles is happy to be Korean.
*A quick side note....Miles is one of the shortest kids in the whole of the Kindergarten group. That's saying something. He's the shortest in a group of short Koreans. Zoinks!
Such a cool (and funny) post, Sue! I'm yelling at my husband right now to come read! Love the part about Miles and eating. :)
PS: That was me, Natalie, your loyal reader!
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