Thursday, October 28, 2010

Real talk vs Tech talk

I'm going to start off by saying...BOTH of these types of communication get me into trouble at some time or another. Be it me and my big dumb mouth, or me typing something and not putting a "smiley :) face" next to it. And the recipient getting offended.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE all kinds of communication! If I knew how to send carrier pigeons, you can bet your sweet ass you'd get a message from me that way, REAL PEOPLE IN MY LIFE.

But lately, I've noticed people don't know how to communicate IN PERSON anymore. Why the hell not? I've heard on some lady talk show yesterday (not really sure which one either) that people just put it out there, and it's out there. No explanation, no real conversation. Scary. Are we raising a generation of kids who can't hold a conversation? Who can't have a debate? Who can't take criticism and process it, rather than shut the laptop or the cell?

I know teens who don't even talk on the phone anymore. They just text. Like their fingers are completely independent from their bodies. I've never seen anyone move their fingers as fast as a teen "texting" to a friend. (Holy shit do I sound old right now.)

I'll say this. I'm a talker. There's no doubt about that. I would rather talk to you on the phone than email. The reason? I have a lot to say. And I can't type that fast. It takes me FOREVER to text anything. I have an iPhone and I am constantly sending the wrong words. Stupid fat fingers. Plus...I'm a very opinionated person. Oh NO not you SJT! I know you're thinking that. RIGHT. NOW.

But I talk a lot. be fair....I will listen to you a lot too. However, know this. If you don't preface your conversation with, "I just want you to listen. No advice please. " You're gonna get it.

I will say this. Most of my girlfriends talk a lot too. When you get some of us together it gets sooo loud. So not only do we talk incessantly, we are about 10 decibles above what the "norm" is. Ryan always says he knows when I'm talking to my BFF on the phone because I'm yelling. Not yelling AT her. Just yelling cause we're most likely excited about something absolutely stupid.

The times I almost always hold my tongue is when I'm with my husband's family. Seriously. If those people knew how much I REALLY talk and how opinionated I really am, they'd ALL disown me. Ryan's family is very subdue most of the time. Unless there is a discussion about politics. Then all bets are off. But that's when I really shut up. Our politics are WAAAAYYYY different.

Anyway. I think I'll always be that person who would rather TALK to you in person or on the phone rather than just email or text. That's just me.

Don't even get me started on REAL mail vs Email. Oh man. I would kill to get a handwritten letter from a friend. I love it!

*My sister was bitching about me not blogging lately. So the photo is for her. Totally unrelated and it's awesome. Oh and....

:) Cindi. I love you.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't like it one bit!

So...I'm my sister's guardian. She's 35 and has special needs. And FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS FUCKING GOOD IN THIS WORLD, her group home staff are a bunch of fuck nuts.

I get calls all the time for stupid shit. I mean the dumbest things. "How much money can A take out for lunches this week?" And my standard answer is "how much does she USUALLY take out, every single week that you never call me?"


Last night, it was boyfriend things, birthday party things, and the like. After 2 hours of being on the phone with her program director, her work place, and my sister, I was ready to just tell everyone, "GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER PEOPLE!"

But in the real world, that's not allowable.

My sister is pretty high functioning. And in real people talk, she doesn't seem to have any disabilities. But she does. And after a bit of talking with her, you too will realize she's functioning at about a 12 year old. Yep. I am guardian of a perpetual pre teen. Hormones and all. And she LOVES her some boys.

But with this, she also has a lot of things working against her in the dating world. She IS a 35 year old WOMAN. And so once in a while her staff seem to forget that she is in the group home for a reason. And things happen that shouldn't. Like for instance, her dating a man she dated when she was 19 and it was ALL KINDS OF MESSED UP. It was bad. Really bad. Let's just say my sister didn't walk away unscathed. But recently it's been brought to my attention that she is currently working with said young man. And is once again scheming to see him outside of the house.

My sister is a danger to herself. You can pretty much talk her into anything. And so she is never to be left alone. She has what the county states, "24 hour staffed supervision". This means...she is NEVER out of anyone's sight. And now her staff is telling me she's been dating this dude.

It's bad. And I can't "really" keep her from dating him. But seriously. She's a sneaky one. And I know there's trouble brewing. Something somewhere is going to happen. And the worst part is...her group home and her workplace are going to suffer the brunt of it. But I've warned as many people of what is happening as I can.

I'm being pretty vague. And you can completely understand why. But UGH! I don't like where things are headed. I don't like it at all.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm going to watch it even if it kills me

This year is the first year in......15 years that I have decided to voluntarily watch football. One tends to avoid such a sport that involves being beat senseless by your asshole of an ex husband if a specific team lost. And let me tell the time, the losing team in question, was the Green Bay Packers. They were not great. And I had many a black eye from the losses. Yuck. Basketball season was even worse. But that's another story, and I will NEVER be interested in that sport.

But I am and have always been a Vikings fan. Secretly of course. But when Ryan and I met, he, out of complete courtesy, avoided watching football at all around me. Seriously...Best.Man.Ever.

A few years ago, I said to him, "you CAN watch football. I really don't care." And so it was.

Ryan began watching the Vikings with ferver. He really does love football. And I can't believe he held off watching for so many years. I never asked him to either. He just did it.

So this year I said, nay....announced, "I'm so going to watch the Vikings this year!"

I watched a bit last year. Just because, watching Brett Favre play for the Vikings was so in-your-face-stupid-abusive-ass-wipe-who-worshiped-Brett-Favre-so-much-when-he-lost-you-had-to-beat-your-wife. BEST GAME EVER when they killed Green Bay. Twice. Heh heh heh. But I digress.

Ryan and I watched the "big game" last night. The Vikings vs the Jets. So many things were built up about this game. New players that "should" help them win big. The dirt that is surrounding Brett and his old team the Jets. (Just to clarify, I don't agree with the article posted, I just think it explains what happened pretty well.) And so on.

But seriously. It was horrible. Like watching a train wreck. Ryan and I stayed up to the bitter end. Then I decided this:

MN football is like having sex for the first time. It's built up to be awesome, you have great expectations, everyone talks about it like it's gonna be the best thing of all time. And then....wah wah's SO disappointing. But you always go back and try it again.

I'll still watch. Just for fun. But the cheerleader in me is not necessarily emerging.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oh Poo!

5:45 am: wake up

6:15 am: get breakfast for kids

6:30 am: Miles sick. Call pediatrician

7:00 am: call in sick at school and preschool

7:25 am: drive to doctor

8:00 am: Target run (Of course. What doctor appointment DOESN'T include one of these?)

8:30 am: Home

And....Dishes, 2 loads of surprise laundry, un pack an impacted bowel *shudder*, bake 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies to entertain Claire, vacuum, clean the bathroom, put laundry away, PTO emails, facebook fun with HS friends to keep my sanity, make lunch, clean up after lunch, wait hand and foot on 6 year old who has "bowel" issues today, and then pretty soon...get started on dinner.

It's only 2:30 and I need a nap. Stupid bowels screwing up my whole day. Poop.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just not me

Not feeling very bloggy lately. Ryan's been gone for what's going on 5 weeks now. Home on the weekends. But...I'm overwhelmed, and tired. And for some reason, Claire has decided to skip 4 years old and land right into her teen years.


Claire was mad at me for after telling her to go wash her hands before lunch. She stomped into the bathroom, and proceeded to open and SLAM it shut. 6 times in succession. When I stopped in the hallway to see what she was doing, I said, "Claire...what are you doing?" She told me this, "I'm slamming the door cause I'm MAD AT YOU!!!!" Then she kicked the door shut in my face.

She's fucking four.

That is how it's been. Miles has kept to himself with the occasional, "tear up" because things are just that shitty here once in a while.

Oh my. I am trying not to be "that mom". You know the one who freaks out at the drop of a hat. But seriously. A person can only take so much..and on average 4 hours of sleep a night.

I give credit where serious credit is due. Single parents. Kudos. I don't know how you do it. I don't like. I don't want it. I actually LOATHE it.

On the upside, we had a perfect fall day on Sunday with friends. Apple Orchard and major comfort food for dinner. And then it started all over again. Ryan left at 4:20am Monday morning.

I will be in the half way house sooner than later if this continues.