Monday, April 27, 2009

American Girl can...SUCK IT!

I DID in fact use the high sing song voice for the SUCK IT in the title.

First, they send me the catalog. I didn't request it. Second, my son secretly snuck it into my car. Not cool Miles. Third, Claire can't get enough of it. She tells people it's her magazine with kids and dolls. She loves it.

We have been trying to figure out what to do for the kid's birthday parties this summer. I like to plan ahead.....REALLY PLAN AHEAD.

Miles has already decided to take his friends to a movie and then have a sleep over. I like it. He can invite 3 friends. Done and done. At at the age of 5, I would guess not many will stay the night.

Claire, and this is where American Girl comes into play, would like to have an American Girl party. Ok...there is an American Girl store with bistro here at the MOA. I was there on Saturday to check it out. Here's what is what. Claire will have 3 of her girlfriends, all of whom are 3 years old ONLY, and their mom's or dad's. Not that many. I was hoping to have lunch at the bistro and then maybe some rides at the MOA.

Fuck the bistro and fuck the store. Why you it is.
The bistro is prix fixe. $15 per person. That includes appetizer, entree, and dessert. Not bad. Kinda cheap for most, but for 3 year olds who only want chicken nuggets and mac and cheese, and then only take 2 bites? Hell no.

And really, I don't want her getting into these dolls. They are a huge deal apparently. I don't like them. I don't like the fact they cost $100 for the least expensive doll. I don't like the fact you have to pay $20 to have their hair done. I don't like the fact they tried to have ethnically diverse dolls but just really used colored plastic instead of flesh tone. And to top it all off dressed these dolls in traditional clothing. Lame and stupid and dumb.

Gahhh!!!! I just don't like it at all. Sorry for all you fans of American Girl. Sorry to all of you who think they are good ol' fashioned "goodness" for your kids. I vehemently abhor them. It occurs to me, as I write this post, they are kinda the devil in doll's clothing. Such a trend, sent to the masses, and such a status symbol. And only will set you back $100 at the minimum per doll. Forget all the accessories.

Crap. Now I have to figure out something else to do for Claire's party. Damn if Sanrio closed it's doors years ago. That would have been ideal. HELLO! Kitty. I Heart you. You are a good deal. And way cooler.


beth said...

totally love hello kitty way more than american dolls. i don't mind the bitty babies and twin dolls as much as the american girl dolls. but...they don't make a redhead. wtf? i have three out of five redheads. i can't be the only one looking for a redhead doll. you're right, they can suck it.

SJT said...

Thanks Beth. Not many people would agree with me. These dolls are loved apparently. I tried to find an Asian doll, just to see if they had one, but they have a kind of yellowy doll with Caucasian features wearing some kind of chinese style dress. Red silk of course. Lame. No red heads? CRAZY!

Heidi said...

I don't have girls and never will and have always secretly been thankful because I would have totally been sucked into the doll thing! I am SO glad that I didn't!

Could you take the girls to kids hair and have them get crazy hair and nails?!!?!? i think they spray a bunch of glittery shit in it and rat it etc. Nails would be glittery too!!! I know you can do it 1:1 and I am thinking that they have enough chairs to accomodate 4 little ladiies! Best of Luck!

The Vesh's said...

Sue - check it out - I thought I heard they were opening yet another Hello Kitty store at the MOA.