Many years ago I made desserts for restaurants. It was a career change I made after working in Social Service for years. It was a good way to keep my mind off of not having kids at the time.
So I made up my own recipes, and started selling the desserts to restaurants. It was pretty good. I made money. And Ryan loved them. He would bring new recipes to his job and they would eat them and report back. I also made sure not to use any crap in the baked goods, as Ryan won't eat Hydrogenated oils. So win win all around.
I had made this really awesome bittersweet chocolate mousse tart with raspberries. I liked it and so did many others. So I submitted it for some kind of contest. Lame right, but I figured...what have I got to lose? And I didn't have to bake it. I just had to send it to the magazine and they made it and told me if I won or not.
Jump ahead to several months later...and I won. 2nd place. But it's better then getting kicked in the face. My prize was...published recipe in some magazine, and 1500 dollars to Kitchen Aid.com.
Awesome for me since Ryan and I had just bought a new house. So we got to pick out whatever we wanted. It was fun.
I picked out this coffee maker. I love it. It makes coffee so fast. It also comes with a second pot and warming plate so you can actually have 2 pots of coffee made at a time. That worked well for us as we usually host family gatherings that require us to go through 2 pounds of coffee at a time.
But this last week....it died. The pump just crapped out. Boooo!!!! Hisssssss!!!
We had to buy a new one as the Kitchen aid one had certainly passed it's warranty. I guess 7 years for a coffee maker isn't all that bad.
Strangely enough, the coffee maker we just bought was the one we had previous to the Kitchen aid. We gave it to our friends. It was almost brand new when we gave it to them and their's had just gone south...so it worked out. I guess it is all full circle.
It's a Cuisinart. Our friend Sk3tch told us to do the Cuisinart. So we did. We liked it before. Just not as much as the Kitchen aid. I'm sad again.
*What the hell with the spacing you ask? Me too.*
What cost more, the coffee maker or the kid's stupid haircut?
I should say....the photo of the coffee maker is our CRAPPED out one. I miss it already. And the replacement..cost very little. At least in my dream the haircut was not real.
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