So this past weekend has been full of things.
We had a great friend over for dinner on Friday and spent most of the night playing with legos. I have to say it was my son's dream night. Being he is kinda geeky in his almost 5 years of life. But we all....ALL....sat around and played. My goal, to Ryan's dismay, was to find all the flat ones, and put them together in a huge cube. If you know legos, you know that doing this will result in an awesome cube. One that will make your fingers bloody taking them apart if you need one. Heh heh.
Then we just color coded the rest. I got all the red ones and made it into a block and so on with colors and who got what color. Even Claire got in on that sweet action. And just for reference, we probably have hundreds of legos. It took hours.
Saturday we had a gathering of sorts with some folks I went to high school with. They, along with spouses, and kids or just their damn selves came for appetizers and drinks. It was nice. Seeing all these people. Some I haven't seen since graduation. We are hoping to make it a monthly thing. Rotating houses. I like this plan. The kids got along remarkably well considering very few of them had ever met.
Just a few of the folks over.
I did hear some sad news on Saturday from a dear friend....that another friend is having rough times. No details...and I promised NOT to talk about it here, but just wanted to say....hang in there friend. You'll be fine. Thinking of you.
On to the Easter holiday. So.....I went to church. Ah...I know....I'm not a fan, but my in-laws are. So I went. I am a good little girl. Then brunch at their house followed by the "big" easter egg hunt.
In the past years my sister-in-law J would TAKE OUT the toddlers to get her eggs. All in fun mind you...but take them out none the less. The eggs usually contain candy and money. Money being the reason for the take down of kids. Her husband says it is the only time she is allowed to do it without repercussions. Ha. Once the madness has ensued, the kids will open the eggs and see what they got. Inevitably J will try to "trade" with the kids...her chocolate for their money. RIGHT?!?!?
It has worked in the past and J always gives the money back, but this year my son...wise beyond his years told me...."I'm not gonna trade J for my money this year! I want to buy Star Wars action figures." Ha ha....I told her too. So her husband, who LOVES Miles, helped him gain most of the cash. And he got a lot. I made him give his uncle a dollar as a thank you. Cause lord knows...he got shit loads.
Now I have to go to Target and let the kids spend their booty. They have more money then me. I really should join in the egg hunt. It isn't age specific, and I could totally take out J. I have a good 10 pounds on her. She wouldn't see it coming.
And it would be funny. I really like J. She's funny and fun. Just the kind of aunt the kids love too.
Claire after she looked at all her "stuff"
Ryan helping Claire.
Uncle M helping Miles.
Miles and Claire looking for more eggs.
Just a few from the egg hunt. Seriously. These fools RUN.
All in all a fun weekend. I did miss seeing my BFF though. It has been weeks....WEEKS since a Dian Friday. And baseball started, so that means...weeks more probably. *sigh*
Thanks for your thoughts Sue. Life sucks sometimes but I am told there is a reason for everything, it just may take me years of therapy to find the reason. So far months of therapy have not provided much clarity but I hear eventually it will. I read your blog every week and seriously it is FUNNY shit! Sometimes I catch it at work and laugh out loud and have shared some of your words with my friends there. They laugh as well! I hope to come out from the non-living one day and join in the monthly high school gatherings. Not sure my house will be in the rotation as I am forever in a day away but will definitely make the trip!
Thanks Sue!!!
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