Sometimes I think I just don't have that familiar face. Or that something that would make someone remember me.
I have become one of the masses, yet again, and succumb to having a facebook page. I got it in November and haven't looked back. The addiction is strong. It drew me in quick and fast. But...I have to say...I was real apprehensive in asking people to be my friend.
I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Was anyone going to remember me? I mean..I asked some people to be my friends. The ones who bossed me into getting a page in the first place. And what is odd, is I see them almost once a week. So to "re-connect" with them would be laughable as I re-connect with them regularly.
But it was people from high school. The ones from college. People who were my friends or something resembling friendship years ago that I wondered if they would remember me.
I actually even accused someone of telling another they didn't remember me. How could he NOT remember ME? Really! Honestly! Well...after attacking him virtually...he pretty much told me to simmer down. (Me worked up? Unlikely.) And now we carry on a wonderfully breezy relationship via internet and blog posts.
I have even started chatting with friends I had when I was a little kid and lost touch with. It's kinda nice.
One thing I love doing with facebook. I have a friend from college. He is so so funny. Always has been...we have seen each other here and there after college, but not a lot. Anyway...he comments on American Idol. Throughout the whole show. I watch it cause my kids LOVE it. They love the singing. They sing and dance. It's great...and with the side's priceless. It reminds me of the days when this friend and I would sit in my dorm room watching Liquid Television on MTV and comment on Bevis and Butthead or Aeon Flux.
But when people I don't know ask me to be their friend...I feel bad saying no. But I do. Because...why would I be their friend and let them know stuff about me now if I didn't really know them then. THIS IS WHAT IS WEIRD ABOUT FACEBOOK! But then I I "that" person. Who thinks the people I am asking to be my friend remember me when really they don't know who the hell I am or care to remember?
ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!! I don't know. Just thinking about it. And now...I will stop obsessing whether or not people remember me. I did hear from one friend that when he asked his wife if she knew me she said, "Yes. Everyone called me Sue in high school." I am sure it was said in disgust too. Sorry friend's wife. I didn't even know ya.
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