I will never be accused of being "too" skinny.
Anorexic I am not, nor ever will be.
I think when I am "working out" (and I use that term lightly), that maybe I will love it so much that I will become addicted. That I will start eating right, get a six pack and be able to wear whatever the hell I want. I would be able to put on the first outfit I find and think...damn...works for me. Instead I do this...."GOD DAMNIT!!!"
I know some people love working out so much because of these mythical things called endorphins, that they overdo it.
I for one have never heard, seen, or felt endorphins. I believe they are an urban legend. Therefore why would I work my self to death for them?
I also do not have a "lightning fast" metabolism as my good friend Kelly boasts. Totally not fair. Maybe that's why he can do the food blog and still look healthy and in good shape at his age. You know you are kind of a fucker for that Kelly. Deep down I am jealous. Maybe you work out and watch what you eat, but probably not. You're probably just a lucky dude. *sigh*
I on the other hand, am not a lucky dude. I did however tell my husband when we got married my goal was to be the biggest of all the women in his family. There are 4 of us gals. And yes people...I'm winning.
I am going to say...I don't think I am fat. That is for sure. I'm not. But apparently for my height, I should be almost 20 lbs lighter. If that happens...ha ha ha...I WILL be accused of being too skinny.
Don't yell at me. I just was thinking this as I was seeing myself sans clothing today and my mind wandered...........
That's kinda it.
I forgot this one...I will never EVER use the excuse, "I forgot to eat."
Seriously? What.The.Fuck. Who the hell forgets to eat.
You are lame if you use it as an excuse for getting too skinny. I have 2 kids and I ALWAYS remember to eat. Lame ass skinny people...please....forgot to eat? My ass.
F-bombs! At me?
Actually, my metabolism slowed some. I still weigh the same as I did in '95, though, but not without a few precautions.
-No fast food.
-No snacks around the house.
-Liquor and wine around home. Beer at the bar.
-And the important one... no eating after about 7pm.
I am not a nazi on these, but I stick to them quite well and have for most that time. Did I mention that I throw up after every meal?
And I thought I was the only one who thought these things in the shower!?!?!? I shower in the dark therefore the thoughts are less frequent, I sometimes don't get clean, but who the hell cares if I smell right?!?!!?
found your blog through some of your followers and really enjoy it. this post could be copied and pasted to my blog because i feel exactly the same way! love the blog. look forward to reading more!
Kelly...I do not weigh the same as I did in 1995. But thanks for rubbing it in. Y
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