First off...let me explain why I have a photo of BOTH kids when this post is about Miles. The kids got hand-me-down rollerskates from my nephew out in California. Claire of course took to them like a fish in water. Miles on the other hand was very very cautious. He is my cautious kid. He waited to see how many times his sister would fall. Then I am sure his little calculator of a brain figured out if the risk was worth the pain. He did it. Loved it. And I can say, made it around the neighborhood last night on them. He's my analytical/non risk taker. So it is a BFD.
Miles is my oldest. And today....he earned his own post.
The kids had their pre-school "parent recognition tea" today. During school, the kids gather together in the atrium and sing to the parents who are already having coffee and breakfast. It's nice.
First, all the kids line up. Claire's class was in one end of the atrium, and Miles' on the other. While the director of the school was thanking all the parents for their children and stuff......I hear...."Hey Claire!!!! Hi Claire!!!!! I'm over here!" Yes sir-ree bob! My son yelled across the room of several dozen parents to say hello to his sister. Cute right? Hold on....
Then they sang their songs. Half way through, during a break, Miles asks Miss Mary Music, (I shit you not. That is the MADE UP name she gave herself)out loud, in front of everyone, if they were going to "sing his song now?" She politely ignored him.
And HOLY SHIT I am glad they did!
After the tea, some parents came up to me to tell me, "Your kids are so cute. What was the song Miles wanted to sing?"
Oh for the LOVE! The song is Paradise City by Guns and Roses.
I can't even begin to explain the sheer dread I felt when he yelled this out. I was praying, and I was in a church, that LORD!!!!PLEASE!!!!!DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!!!!! Clearly I am not a religious person. But this school is awesome and my kids love it. So I go and keep my language and bullshit in check. But how the fuck do you conceal a song like that? Especially when the only lyrics my kid knows from the song are the chorus? I mean most of it is ok....but when you have an almost 5 year old bellowing at the top of his little vibrato voice..."Where the girls are pre-tay!" Can't hide the fact we are sinners at that point.
So as the kids were passing out their thank you gifts to parents, I did my best to whisper to Miles that in fact Paradise City probably isn't a school song. Cause I know my kid, and I know without a doubt, he would sing it for his class once they got back to the room. Then I would have to have THE TALK with Miss Laura. Again.
Like the.....Hey mom is 35 today and says she might have PMS talk. Or the.....My mom says that I should sit on toilets in public cause it's gross if I pee on the floor. Or my personal favorite....Our friends Dave and Brent came over last night. They're married and Dave is the wife. Poor Miss Laura. I am betting she doesn't hear that everyday.
So in honor of my son's pure, unadulterated, naive, innocence...I write this post to let you know...he rocks.
He does rock! And so does Claire! And you are funny.
he absolutely DOES rock! it's funny my oldest is super cautious too, in fact, it seems that the more children i had, the less cautious they became. and as far as i am concerned, paradise city is a perfectly acceptable song for children. my kids think the song "the seed" by the roots is awesome and THAT song is WILDLY INAPPROPRIATE for children. they are funny when they dance to it, though!
I always wanted a little girl. When I look at your Claire I think that she is so sweet and wonderful. And then I see Miles and realize that I will always have an adoration for little boys. This is completely appropriate. I have two. I love being a Mommy to boys, they are FANTASTIC. I LOVE when you describe him! He sounds like he rocks!!!!
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