We have lunch at a Korean restaurant and then back to our house for dessert and for the kids to play together. It's not easy to get all these kids to look happy at the same time. Or at the camera together.
Jedi Lightsaber-vs- Batman Sword
Miles and friend LOVED playing together. Too bad they live so far away.
Claire and her future husband.
No comments on the shit photography. I'm not a pro, and I have a bad camera. But you get the general feeling for the day. And anyone is more then welcome to photograph my kids....especially you Jill...you have that something special.
Wow thats shit photography!
I'm kidding, its not bad at all, except for the last one. You have to turn on your fill flash there to balance out the brightness of the window.
Looked like a fun day. That is the proper thing to say here, right?
Kelly...thanks for the info. I can't figure out the stupid flash. And...yes it's the proper thing to say considering I gather you're not a HUGE fan of kids.
Jill takes after her mom, don't you think? So very artistic and talented. Oh, by the way, I have it on good authority that you aren't allowed to choose your children-in-law.........
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