I keep reading it to see if it was meant to be tongue in cheek. But I don't think it is. I also don't get too political or even close to it here, but I almost can't help myself.
This morning between eggs and the Sunday paper, I read an article in the St. Paul Pioneer Press, page 5E. "Think you can live on $500,000 in New York? They can't"
By Allen Salkin New York Times.
Why you ask? Well the obvious, housing is insane in NY. Everyone knows that. But....the article talks about how the president wants to cap banking execs salaries of the banks that received a bailout. The cap would be $500,000.
Yes yes....we all could probably be just fine with a salary like that. We can have the house we want, the car we want and go on the vacas we want. However I know taxes would be high and expenses would be higher living in the house we want, driving the car we want, and going on the vacas we want.
This article basically says it would be impossible for the banking execs to survive because they have a "lifestyle" to uphold. Rent, Co-op maintenance, private school, drivers, nannies, charity ball gowns, personal trainers, 2 vacations a year (one to the beach and one to the slopes), and a house in Southampton. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more items on their "must have" list, but really? I just.....well....I just.....blah.
I don't feel bad that these folks may have to cut back. They have had multi-million dollar salaries for years and years and NOW they have to cut back? Ok ok.....devil's advocate....Say our salary was instantly cut down to 1/4 of what it is.....yes that would suck. I get that. But I tell you what....I would cut back. And just be glad I still had a job in this economy. And hopefully those bank executives were kinda, a little bit smart about investing. They are bankers for fuck's sake!
There was a quote at the end of the article where Candace Bushnell said, "it's like the same thing that goes back to high school peer pressure. It's about fitting in."
Well...damn. I guess that explains it all away.
I just want to know....why did they put this article in our paper? I would venture a guess there is very little sympathy for these families. It's not like they will be out in the street right?
And if they will be....there will be a lot of middle aged men in Brooks Brother's suits and women wearing $15,000 ball gowns at the homeless shelters.
Once again, I say that our government is broken and it all goes back to greed. I am still waiting for my bailout....not gonna happen. Rice and beans, mac and cheese in my future. Mexico.
I think it's bullshit. Why should we limit their salaries? They have earned it just like we've earned ours. Where do we draw the line? Professional athletes next? Who defines how much is too much? Obviously, there is a problem here...but I don't think a government-mandated cap is a good solution.
Don't you think capping their salaries is more like a punishment for them. Bad business practices! Let me tell you, when I did something not so cool and my parents had to "bail" my ass out, you can bet I got punished. Usually grounded or MY ALLOWANCE TAKEN AWAY.
Fuckin' A!
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