They say that your kids cycle 6 months good, 6 months bad.
A friend told me her kids were great at 1,2,3 you get it, and at their half birthdays they turned into satan.
I don't know if she jinxed me with that tidbit of information, but crap if she isn't right.
Claire has "cycled" into the she-devil she is destined to be. It happens right about this time. Feb/Mar and it doesn't go away until sometime after her birthday. IN AUGUST!!!!!
Miles goes in cycles too, but his are much less hormone driven. He just crys a little easier then usual. Nothing I can't handle.
Claire on the other hand....shit.
If it is an indication of what the teen years are gonna look like...I'm moving out as soon as her 11 and ONE HALF birthday hits. Check ya later Ryan!
Poor Ryan. He is already being purposefully ignored. If she doesn't like what he has to say...she will turn her head and completely disregard him. Then say..."I'm going to my room!!!!!" Walk into her room, and yes people...slam her door. Then refuse to apologize. Until SHE is ready.
I hardly allow this to happen to me. Must be something we share. She can't ignore me. I get right in her face until she acknowledges me. Must be that we are pretty much the same personality wise. Although I am convinced I am not stubborn like her. Ryan begs to differ.
Oh well. Things will turn around in the late summer early fall. Until then I will drink dinner with friends, and bitch incessantly here. therapy for stress. Love it. top it off....both kids go through the cycles at the same time. It could be because they both have August birthdays. I like to believe they are both out to get me.
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