Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wow has it been that long?

Ok so today is Thursday and I noticed I haven't posted since Monday. Crazy. Not too much has been going on.

The kids have been on spring break this week. And their spring break is certainly not the fun-rip-roaring-drunk-fest-spring-break I remember.

As a matter of fact, spring break for pre-schoolers is a lot of fucking work for me. Talk about stress. I won't even try to bore you all with the details of trying to keep a 4 1/2 and a 2 1/2 year old entertained for an entire week. Suffice it to's hell. And I have developed the worst case of insomnia. So not only am I having to schlep my kids around and find new creative things to do with them, I am so exhausted I can hardly see straight. Crap.

But do you remember what spring break was like when it was just you? Or just me for that matter.....I miss that time off. No responsibilities. I mean I could work that week if I wanted to. Or I could have gone on a 9 day bender. It didn't make a difference. I could do what I wanted to do. Even when I was out of school, when I worked. I could have taken a week off to go somewhere, drink till I puked, show strangers my "private business", and pretty much participate in all around debauchery. Not that I did ALL of that, but I could have. And I did some of it. That's the point of spring break. School or not.'s not the same. It's battling other parents in crowded "kid friendly" environments, who for all intents and purposes are longing for their own "lost" spring breaks. Trust me. I can see it in their eyes as they are shoving their kid in the stroller, to stand in line at McDonald's with a million other parents.

I imagine once the kids are a bit older, Ryan and I will be traveling with them to, I don't know...Disney, or some other obnoxious theme park. But really? Is that still the spring break you remember? Sure as shit isn't one I can think of.

And then, when our kids are old enough to go on their own spring break, I will be scared shitless of to be truthful, because let's face it, I know what they are going to be doing. This knowledge, will not make for a worry free spring break for me. I suppose I knew it would happen eventually. I did sign on to be a parent. And even this little rite of passage comes with the territory.

But for now....I hate other parents who don't watch their kids in these kid centric packed environments. If you kid pushes my kid one more time I apt to go ape shit. I hate spring break right now. Enjoy yours!

1 comment:

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Get a grip, it will be over soon!