Friday, March 20, 2009

Swiper the Box

My daughter has decided she will now watch Dora. She has loved Diego for I don't know how long. She even insisted on my purchasing the Diego pull ups and NOT the Dora ones. Heaven forbid I make the mistake.

But the one thing she just hates hates hates on Dora is Swiper the Fox. It's this stupid fox that tries to steal shit from Dora and her monkey named Boots. If you see it you're supposed to yell...."swiper no swiping!" 3 times and then the fox says, "oh man." and leaves said shit alone.

My Claire has gone a few steps further while she interacts with this show. Once the fox says his habitual "oh man" she will yell out in the most devious voice...."that's right! You'll never get it!!!!" Then she laughs like a deranged lunatic. It really is kinda cute. I'm real proud.

She also will tell us, more then once a day..."Watch out for Swiper the BOX! He's mean!" And to be honest, I think she is scared shitless of the damn fox. I mean

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