My four year old goes under the knife tomorrow morning. I am stressed.
I have had many surgeries in my lifetime. 6 to be exact.
But having to have my little guy do it is so nerve wracking, I'm sick.
He is having eye surgery. I big deal. It's not so much the surgery itself. It's the anesthesia. He has never had it. I have no idea if he has an allergy to it. I don't even know his family medical history to know if a distant uncle twice removed died from it.
So here I sit when I should be in bed trying to sleep. Shit.
Hopefully the only thing I have to worry about is what crazy monkey business he spews out when he is waking up from the anesthesia. I am sure it will be something about (and in no particular order), Star Wars, Red Lobster, and boobs.
Updates to follow tomorrow. Hopefully he won't let me down with the funny quotes. best friend is also having surgery tomorrow. Oral surgery. They are going to dremmel her mouth bones. *cringe* Good luck BFF.
1 comment:
Hope Miles is A-OK and you both get a good night's sleep tonight.
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