Let's hope they fly!!!
Claire has been in the "big girl" underwear for 3 days. No accidents yet.
Seriously?! This is a big deal. We have entered the kid area. No more baby crap in this house.
It makes me want to purge all the baby toys, toss out every stitch of clothing that doesn't have a "T" after the size, and give the finger to diaper companies for charging so damn much for something that is kinda necessary. Cloth or disposable, they cost a-frickin'-lot! And really people, do you want our kids peeing and shitting all over your stuff? I didn't think so.
So we are there. No more pullups or diapers. I am happy. And on edge all the time. For fear there will be an accident at the most inappropriate time. Like in the check out at Target, or in the car on a long drive. Cause that would be TOTALLY, WITHOUT DOUBT, convenient.
At least there is something funny about it....the pee dance is to die for! Claire's is one of the best I have ever seen.
Ahhhh.....potty humor.
Elizabeth has been wearing panties (teeheehee) for two months now I think - so I'm sort of at that place where I don't worry about it at home. well, apparently I should be worried still. she ran to the bathroom yesterday yelling "I have to go potty" The next minute she's crying and freaking out. I found her standing on the step stool washing her hands while urine was pooling at her feet. I asked her what happened, she said "Mommy, I forgot to pee!"
So anyway - good luck!!
I do a mean pee dance myself.
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