Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So I asked my dad, who did not have indoor plumbing growing up, what in fact they did when one would get the stomach flu or food poisoning. He said, and with a smart ass tone I might add, "I never had food poisoning growing up."

But then he proceeded to tell me about THE BUCKET.

DAD: "My brother and I got in trouble a few times for knocking 'the bucket' over."

ME: "Dad! I was asking about being sick. Was it a pee bucket? Cause if so, that isn't what I was asking about."

DAD: "Nope the poop bucket."

Gross. Then purely in my dad's fashion, he elaborated. I will not. Then I ended up getting a lesson in history about his house growing up, about how it was the oldest in the county, and how there were slats in the side of the house for guns to "shoot the Indians."


That will teach me to talk to my dad about that stuff.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

His house having wholes in it to shoot "Indians" is SO much better than my Dad saying he had to walk to school, up hill both ways and barefoot, regardless of the weather! I realize he was FULL of crap but it sounds good! This one could be real, probably is, and is SO much more interesting for the Grandkids! "The Bucket" has a whole new meaning......