Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I love this crap.

Today driving home from a friend's house I was behind a huge semi.

It was a biggie. The back didn't have a trailer. So basically, it was just the semi cab and the flat bed part.

On the back of the semi's cab in HUGE lettering was this....

"IF YOU'RE LIVIN' THE DREAM, LEARN THE LANGUAGE!" And flanking each side of this gem were American flags.

I thought they should have used the Confederate Flag. Seems more apropos.

Either way, I called my friend, who I just left. We had a good ol' fashioned chuckle, because we are both Asian AND livin' the dream. But we SPEAK THE LANGUAGE, so maybe it doesn't apply to us. And we were both raised by white people so....I guess we don't count.

Then she told me she saw one that was an all white semi truck. And the only writing on it was....


To which my friend promptly informed me she yelled..."Jeee-sus Christ!" Classic.

I think bumper stickers, no matter how big or small. Are ALWAYS hilarious! Even if they are stupid.


beth said...

i just gave you an award at my blog. you can check it out here: http://becarefulwhatyouwishfor-beth.blogspot.com/2009/05/random-thoughts-tuesday.html

beth said...

i think more than anything, i it is a way to let you (and everyone who reads my blog) a way of knowing that i really like your blog! love it!

Jilly said...

Were they Georgia plates?