Whoa is me. Thankfully we are all healthy. (I am doing any superstitious thing you can think of to NOT jinx myself at this point, cause I went ahead and said it out loud. DAMN ME!) And we have a full week of activities. But still....I have to admit. It's not easy being the only one.
I give credit where massive credit is due. Single parents......you rock. I am amazed none of you go postal. I sure as hell want to after 4 straight days of...."do this, do that, don't yell, that's potty talk, stop fighting, I'M SERIOUS! Really? Tell your brother you're sorry, tell your sister you're sorry, cut it out!!!!!" And so on. You get it.
Well, the kids can be good. They are for the most part, well behaved kids. It comes with years of molding and bending to my will. But they do get lonely for their dad. And pretty much take that out on me.
So it's only Tuesday. I have to really, as they say, Buck up! But this is how I feel right now.

Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet today.
1 comment:
Does mommy carry a flask?
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