Well friends. It's official. We have a ghost who likes to stay up late. And annoy me. And tell my kid to do naughty things. And all together make my life hell. For now at least.
If you don't believe in this stuff...that's ok. We can still be friends. But believe me when I say......I hate you spooky thing who whispers to my 2 and a half year old in the middle of the frickin' night! You are keeping me up and I am losing my beauty sleep, and I will not fulfill my destiny to be a regular Asian woman who doesn't age a day until I am 60, if I don't get my sleep. 3 hours a night isn't cutting it anymore. *I see wrinkles* (I whispered that)
It happened AGAIN last night. I woke to whispers at 3:33 am. I opened my eyes and saw Claire sitting up, looking at the wall and saying, "Shhhh....you will wake up my mommy."
I'll give you a minute.
Fucked up right? So I say, "Claire?" She laid down quickly. Then started whispering again. For hours. 2 and one quarter to be exact. I caught a little of it here and there. It was a lot of, "No, that's naughty. I can't! I'll get in trouble. That would hurt."
I don't really dig this. And I will clarify. SHE IS AWAKE. At one point in her private conversation, she stopped to whisper, told whoever to "wait one second", and then asked me to take her to the bathroom. Once again...I don't like this.
I had a friend today tell me that kids her age are prone to hearing angels talking to them, cause they are so young they will forget it when they are older. I'm not a religious person to begin with, but really? With the shit she is saying back. What the hell kind of angel is that? No thank you God.
On another lighthearted note, (hardy-har-har) Ryan came home a day early today. He just showed up at 8am. Apparently his back and neck are SOOOOOOO messed up, he left his hotel at 3:30 am, called in and canceled the rest of his trip, and drove himself to the Detroit airport to be put on standby to come home.
So off to the Chiropractor and the doctor. He was given some good muscle relaxers. And I bet, with any luck, he will be out cold when Claire starts in on...oh say.....
Carrying out Diego's evil plan to take over the world. One toddler at a time. Damn you Nickelodeon and your mind melting characters.
Frick are you serious? *shudder*
My son maintains that he saw a ghost in our old house. He would have been 3 or 4 at the time...he's 9 now. Hasn't changed his story in all that time.
I totally believe in them. Paranormal State/Most Haunted and I are like 'this'. Meaning I have a horrific amount of hours on the PVR devoted to just them.
Don't want to meet one though. And sure as heck don't want them giving my kids any more evil schemes...the DO NOT need the help.
yikes. that is really, really freaky. maybe you could give claire a teeny, tiny bit of the muscle relaxers and she'll sleep. i mean, i'm just saying...nobody would hold it against you if you were able to prevent a paranormal infestation/world domination plot, right?
ps - two and a half year old girls bite the big one, as far as i'm concerned
I used to love all that "scare the shit out of you stuff" like those shows, but now...I can't do it. My old brain won't shut off after the lights go out...and yes....two and a half year olds bite. Big. She'll be 3 in August. Thank God.
i have to wait until september until they were three. that was fun, wasn't it? being pregnant through they ENTIRE summer? good times good times.
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