I just want to start this out by saying....those of you who know me, in real life, know I am not always the healthiest person. Thanks to genetic liver disease, and a bout with cervical cancer, I have a minuscule immune system. But...I have to say.....in all the years of dealing with that shit? This is by far, the sickest, I and my family have been in years! What the fuck?!?
Let me just say, in the past 2 1/2 months, there has not been one week where we all have been healthy. I don't understand it. We wash our hands to the point, if someone was spying on us, (which they very well could be), they would think we all had OCD. And that I was the yelling-est mom about hand washing. I also am continuously Clorox wiping down door knobs, light switches, toilet seats, faucets, and anything else that my grubby kids touch. Not to mention vacuuming, and changing bed sheets an obnoxious number of times. We should not be sick! That being said....here is the run down of my weekend.
I was getting over a cold this week. And by Saturday it was glorious. Just a touch of a stuffy nose. Thank God! Our family was on the way to health. Claire had a runny nose, but her doc said that was gonna be normal cause her sinuses were draining. Gross. And Miles had a cough, but that has been for a while now. We just chalk that up to allergies.
Saturday night was fun. We had a good ol' fashioned Dian Friday. On a Saturday. But everyone was there. The kids played together. We all had dinner together. We had a bonfire together. It was awesome. Then when we got home. Miles spiked a fever. I don't know why. He just did. Seemed to go down after Motrin and sleeping. Then....I started to feel not so great.
I just wrote it off as...inhaled too much fire smoke. Since quitting smoking.....all smoke makes me feel kinda woozy. But.....I went to bed. Then woke up. Immediately. My guts were telling me something was NOT COOL. And then began a 5 hour yuck fest. I ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor as I was too tired to run back and forth. Stupid food poisoning. And now I hate the tiles on our bathroom floor. Must replace those.
So...Miles recovered from fever. He played outside all day Sunday like nothing was ever wrong with him. I laid in bed trying to recover and get some sleep. Ryan cleaned out both cars. And Claire, well she just mosied around, happy as you please. With chocolate, and marshmallows all over her face. I don't know where she got either.
Then at dinner, Miles complained of a sore throat. GAAAHHHH!!!!! Seriously. So today I talked to the clinic. He is going in tomorrow. Could be strep. Oh brother. But they have NO appointments today cause of the whole...H1N1 virus that people are panicking about. Damn you hypochondriacs! Now my kid can't see the doc cause you MAY have been in contact with someone who MAY have been near a pig in Mexico. Bastards. My kid only has strep.
But Saturday night I was thinking, in between trips to expel more of my dinner. How much would it suck if we didn't have a bathroom indoors. What did the pioneers do when they had food poisoning? Or my parents for that matter? I think I'll ask them. Did they have a bucket? Cause damn if my bucket wouldn't have been filled in mere moments. Gross right?
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