Today I was reading through blogs, and one of them has music on her page. I didn't know this. Weird. I've been reading it for a while too. But whatever.
So one of the songs she has on her site it that Rob Pattinson song. You know him right? Edward Cullen from the Twilight movies? He's become a tween girl's and 30 something's item of lust. People are going bonkers for him. I mean, to quote Gwen Stefani, B-A-N-A-N-A-S! I am sure you know who he is, unless you don't have a tv, radio, internet, and have been held hostage, in a deep dark hole with no light to speak of for the past 10 months. I mean look at him. I must say, he IS DREAMY. My friend Heather calls him Robward for all you Twilight folks. Ha ha.
Anyway. His music? Eh...not so great. Ryan heard it. And proceeded to comment. Here is a snippet of our conversation.
RYAN: Is that Johnny Lang?
ME: No. Rob Pattinson.
RYAN: Who?
ME: That guy from the Twilight movies.
RYAN: Oh. He must be a DB (douche bag)
ME: No. I don't think so.
RYAN: Yeah he is...I've decided anyone who thinks THAT is good enough to be made, is a huge DB.
ME: They used it in the movie I guess.
RYAN: Bigger DB.
I love Ryan. He is funny. Too bad he is jealous of my movie star boyfriend. Tee hee.
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