Monday, May 18, 2009

"Korean ladies are crazy"

According to Ryan that is. I just think they are bossy mother fuckers. When I say bossy...I mean....B-O-S-S-Y!!!!!!

I have to admit, they are sort of crazy too. Current author excluded of course. But here are some prime PRIME examples of this comment.

Ryan and I have a friend who lives in Korea. She is the one who tells me I am fat, and that I need to put frozen spoons on my face everyday. The reason? "Cause your cheeks are too round, and your husband is too good looking to have a fat faced wife." Direct quote. I shit you not.

Well, another family friend from Korea was visiting this past weekend. She has already TOLD my parents they are picking her up, what time, where they are going, when they are going, and what errands she wants them to run for and with her. Bossy right? I thought so too.

Then she started in on me. Of course, I warned Ryan before she got out of the car that she would tell me I was fat. But, surprise! She didn't. She did however tell me that I needed to put my 4 1/2 year old on growth hormones. Her exact words were, "He's a FIBE-A? He is a too little! He needs grow up to be a big man, not a tiny one." When she said FIBE-A, she meant five. And I can tease about it cause..... well.... I just can.

I told her, "Well, there are millions of short Asian men in the world, he'll just be one more." She insisted his life would be easier if he were taller, and that the doctors in Koreatown in New York (where she lives) just dole this stuff out willy nilly. But that I must talk to my doctor, cause they probably need a prescription.



Then she told me I had to start dinner at 3:30 cause my mother, who wasn't there, was going to be home soon and it would be disrespectful to NOT have dinner ready and waiting for her.

My mother...was at a play and dinner with her, brace yourself, Red Hat Ladies. So the simple fact I was somehow, not only to be subjected to the verbal abuse that occurred, but expected to make dinner for 12 people out of nowhere really didn't sit well with me. Especially with a bossy Korean standing there, watching my every move, and BOSSING me around. Oh...FYI, my mother NEVER asks....she just expects. And like a good daughter I do. But...this day, I found myself saying..."hell no!" But of course 10 minutes after I was given, 'the eye' I was in the kitchen cutting potatoes. DAMNIT!

This friend, her name is Ihnnie, told me that I have to respect my parents. Do what they want me to do all the time, and to never be confrontational. Was she talking to my mother already? Did she not know I was 35 years old and have been making my own decisions and choices for years? Was she confused, because I was Korean and was expected to behave like all Korean women, even though I was raised by two White Minnesotans? God. Who the hell knows?

All I know is this. I made dinner at 3:45, even though we weren't going to eat until 5:30. I will NOT EVER put Miles on growth hormones. I am not fat. Ryan now believes that all Korean women are nuts. And damnit if she doesn't look my age, but is 57 years old. I guess there is 'that' silver lining.

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