Our city's Lion's club hosts this event. It is insane. Close to 600 sales city wide. And those are just the ones listed in the brochure. According to a friend, it is one of the biggest citywide garage sales in the country. The area hotels have specials for people who are here from out of town. I'm telling you. It's nuts.
Thursday night I was helping my neighbor with her sale, and a full on conversion van loaded with women pulled up, told us they were from Willmar, and were staying at the hotel. Where is Willmar? I don't know. I really don't care either. But suffice it to say, THEY, were women on a mission!
I don't do the matching t-shirts, the animal hats that match, the van or the trailers. I just meet my friend Shelley at a coffee house, at an un-Godly time in the morning, with brochure in hand. We stake out our territories in the brochure based on what we may need or want. Then we hop into my little SUV and off we go.
This year however I was discouraged. I left the house at 7am. The sales don't officially start until 8, but I saw a ginormous truck with a trailer, pull out of our neighborhood filled with kids stuff. So it was gonna be THAT kind of day.
Last year I was with another girlfriend along with Shelley. Funny thing...Shelley was like.....2 thousand months pregnant. Poor thing. So it was a good thing my friend Katie joined us. We did a lot of drive bys, or dumped Katie at a sale and had her scan it for us. Ha ha ha...a perk of being the driver. I didn't have to run all over the place for 'preggers' in the back seat.
This year was different. We were without our friend Katie, and without babies. Either in tow or in belly. Plus....we were looking for bigger kid stuff. And if you garage sale....you know it is mostly baby stuff, and stuff you find in your parents basement.
So we kinda had a bust. And Shelley, with 2 boys, was very disheartened that our fine city only provides girls. Everywhere you looked, pink and purple, as far as the eye could see. Shelley must have called people "bastard" a thousand times for having girls only. THIS is one of the reasons I love Shelley.
Well...as you can guess I was able to gather a few gems for Claire. She has some nice sweaters for next year. Miles got some sweet, white, linen pants to match his geektastic dad's sweet, tan, linen pants. Did I tell you it's been Ryan's dream to have him and his KOREAN son match, clothing wise? They now have the same red Chucks, and the same matching stupid linen pants. All thanks to me of course. What the hell?!?
All in all, I think next year will be tough. It will be all about the toys rather then anything else. The kids don't care about anything else. Although I have to say I got Miles the COOLEST Indiana Jones play set. Complete with destructible village and many action figures. It was only 3 dollars for a 50 dollar set. Score. And he loves it. I also had a luxurious smoked ham, white cheddar, and apricot, sandwich. Wow it was delish!!!!! Wish I had taken a photo of it. It tasted a lot better then it looked though, so it's a good thing I didn't. Besides, I will leave that stuff up to my friend Kelly.
Next year, Shelley and I have decided to wear our hootchie shorts, hooker heels, and tube tops. Apparently, this is what all the stay-at-home-soccer-moms are wearing these days. Oh! And full sets of nails and makeup. It will be classy all the way!
We ended the day when the last sale we went to looked promising from the road, and when close up, was like if MY parents had kicked the bucket and I was left to deal with all their shit. I mean....ALL their shit. WWII books about planes. Embroidered sweatshirts complete WITH collar and birds. Christmas sweaters that QVC wouldn't even sell. Nicks and knacks, bricks and bracks. Like I said.....shit. We knew it was over. GAME OVER.
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