Saturday, May 2, 2009

Earworms are the worst!

Do you hate earworms?

I do. The worst is when I don't know all the words to a stupid song, and I can't sleep until I sing the whole thing in my head. And never in my entire existence have I had an earworm that I liked. Ever. Never. I damn, Britney Spears, Tom Waits, and Kimya Dawson all to hell. Not that I hate all those artists. I just hated the song that was looping.

So Miles has had an earworm for a few weeks. I know...weird. How old do you have to be before it happens to you? A couple of nights ago he said to me...."Mom do you ever get a song stuck in your head, and it doesn't go away, and it makes you really mad?" Poor baby. Then he just laid down and started humming it. He looked pretty pissed off, but also a little beat down.

He told me the song was the theme song to a video game called Little Big Planet. When I went to find a link so, you too, could in fact have this pleasure, I was unable to find the specific one Miles was being tortured with.

Basically the words are this...."We're here, we're there, we're everywhere." Set to repeat. And Ryan tells me it is with creepy voices. Yikes. Poor man.

Maybe video games for Miles, not such a good idea. But on the other hand, when I play Guitar Hero, I dream of colored dots and Aerosmith. could be worse.


beth said...

my kids are on a mario brothers kick right now and the beeping music is about to drive me insane. poor miles. how funny is it that he can already appreciate how annoying it is when it is stuck in your head.

Heidi said...

I have never heard them referred to as earworms! Where have I been? Here I thought it was something new and contagious like the swine flu, I mean do you really have food poisoning? Sorry!!!