Thursday, July 19, 2012

Green eyed Monster rears it's ugly head!

Today I was friended by a VERY old friend on facebook. Ugh. We were more like kid friends growing up, then enemies during puberty, and ended up at the same college, where we made nice and went on with our lives. We were friends since age birth. We were adopted at the same time, and our families spent a lot of time together when we were kids.

She was the bain of my existence from age 14 to about 18. We loathed each other. A lot. We battled for the same kind of boy. We went to rival high schools. We were both cheerleaders. And we just about looked the same.

Cut to now. Haven't heard from or seen this woman in almost 15 years. And there it was. Not how I wanted to open my day. Friend request from so and so. Ugh. And she's gorgeous. And skinny and gorgeous. I think I went back into the loathing her stage. Ha ha...seriously. I hate her.

She's a fancy pants apparently. Big job. Big money. Living the big life in the big city. I mean.....I live in the big city. The big city of St. Paul Minnesota. Ha..take THAT fancy pants bigtime.

But I'm happy for her. She's just had a child. The baby is beautiful. And that's where it ends. Cause that bitch is gorgeous. Did I mention that?

*if you think this post is about you. It's not. What was that Carly Simon song again?

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