Sunday, July 31, 2011

Awwwww snap!

Well. Here I am. Our construction project is seeming to take longer than expected. Even longer than I allowed for it to BE longer than expected. Boo. But we keep moving forward. I'm currently without a computer as well. My awesome MACBOOK that I purchased not more than two years ago has broken.

It's pretty much for shit now. The worst part is nothing was spilled on it, no viruses, and no one dropped it. It just decided, " What the fuck. Let's break down and completely stop working for shits and giggles!". And so it was.

Those smug little Apple store fuckers told me, "Blah blah blah. $200 - $500 to repair. They are just so rude over there. AND they always treat you like you ARE the dumbest thing on two legs. When in reality, they are geeky nerds who probably at 40, still live in their parents basement. Jerks.

But, I'm out a computer. So I am currently coming to you via my cell phone, which is not actually that easy to do. I'm convinced there'll be many many typos. Oh well. Isn't there a website called DAMN autocorrect? Well I am battling it as I type. Grrrrrrr. Apple. And I now use their product name as a swear. It works for everyone.

So blogging will be minimal until I can get a new computer. Sorry Cindi. But you know me in real life.
Stop sending me threatening emails. Ha ha. Sisters.

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