Thursday, October 6, 2011

Psychos need NOT apply

Today a very good friend of mine (We'll call her Martha) told me and some others, that she received quite a disturbing email from someone via Facebook.

Martha has like 1000 friends on Facebook, but seriously, this one friend is ONE too many. She emailed Martha and was all, "Let's be friends. I NEED you in my life. Here's all the ways you can contact me. Please Please PLEASE be my friend. I'm desperate. If you're my friend I promise I won't hunt you down, and wear your skin as a new coat and matching hat."

Ok so that last part was my OWN interpretation...but you get the gist of it. Creepy.

How in the world does someone get out of THAT situation?

If it were me, I'd change my name, get plastic surgery and fake my own death. But I'm all about the drama.


Herfsky said...

Poor Martha! ;-P

Nicole H. said...

I think "Martha" needs to get a body guard asap!