Saturday, September 8, 2012

Nerdy fitness freak of a husband is up to his old tricks!

This past spring Ryan ran a 25K trail run. It was on the Superior Trail in Northern MN. It was called Superior Trail Race, and it was really pretty rad. He was able to run up a mountain and through the woods. He loved it. 
This is the half way marker. He looked pretty darn good. But he told me he paced himself with the guy in the yellow. Then after the half way point, he took off on his own. I knew he ran hard when we saw him at the finish line. He did NOT look as chipper.

After the race, he was able to collect himself. Rest. Get his feet washed off because of all the dirt, and pose for a photo with the kids. Miles brought his friend "J" on the trip. Claire said Ryan "smelled bad", and of course went full drama mode for the photo. What a butt.

Afterward we went swimming at the resort, out to dinner in Grand Marais and checked out Lake Superior. It was a really nice night.

Once home, Ryan learned he injured himself in the run. He's still rehabbing. But he's back on the road running like Forrest Gump in aqua socks. Yeah...Ryan runs in aqua socks. He's a fan of barefoot running, but I assured him that he'd get some kind of funky ass infection running the streets of St. Paul barefoot. He disagreed. I told him, "you'll step on glass and get dog shit in there or something." And sure as shit...he stepped on glass and it got all jacked up. So he wears stupid aqua socks.

But I digress. Ryan has informed me he is no longer going to run the 25K trail run again. He wants to run the 100 MILE trail run in 3 years. 100 MILES! That's a fucking long race. Apparently you have to complete it in 38 hours. Who stays awake, running, in the wilderness, IN THE DARK, for fun? I certainly don't.

But my crazy husband will. And is planning on it. I hope they make that human GPS chip available by then. I'm sure AT&T won't cover that area very well, and I'd hate to be THAT widow at the support group, whose husband died on a 100 mile trail run. I can imagine the comments now.


Unknown said...

I like how you linked to the 100 mile race site. Like you are trying to get other crazy people on board. Maybe you can get one of those gps things that back country skiers use to be found in an avalanche. At least you have some time to up the life insurance...

SJT said...

Well Linda...the more the merrier. You too can run the 100 miles through the Superior Trail. It's what I like to call, a fun run.