Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Regression sucks

(this is a very old photo of Claire, but the idea and the crying face are pretty much the same)

This past Saturday I was able to go out for dinner with a good friend of mine. Dinner, shopping, and coffee without kids. I loved it. But it was not without it's guilt. I should really learn to plan ahead.

After years of planning out my kids' lives, and scheduling them to the hilt, announcing that "I'm leaving" without notice, produced a panic and bawl fest I have never seen in Claire.

She was on her way up to talk to me about one thing or another, which I am sure was princess related, and I was on my way down the stairs. She said, "Where are you going?" I said, "going out with a friend. I'll see you later. I won't be gone long." Her response to that was to cry. Loudly. She said in between sobs, "I'll miss you. I'm just sad cause I'm tiiiiiired.....boo hoo hoo hooo....."

So we hugged it out. She was able to calm down after a bit, and I left. Ryan said she cried for quite a while after I left. And then went to bed, and woke up crying again. Oh Jesus.

Then when I got home, later then earlier, she woke up crying for me again. And it has continued every night since. I don't get it.

She has been really great at sleeping through the night these past few months. And now...it's over. It's like a mean trick. Kid sleeps through the night, and then when I get all good and used to sleeping more then 2 hours at a time...WHAMO!

Up every night since. Chatting with Lord knows who AGAIN! And waking up yelling for me. Only me in the middle of the night. Last night she was up for hours. She told me she was having a bad dream that I was gone and she couldn't find me. *ugh* Did you feel that little squeeze in your chest? I did.

Why? Really? Have I spent so much time with her that she is having separation anxiety? Jeez. The lady is 3 and 1/2. For crap's sake. Now I have to plan so far ahead to let the girl know I'm leaving it's almost not worth it to leave. SUCKY!

Suggestions? I'll take em.


McVal said...

Oh poor kid! and Claire too!
I remember waking up in the night when I was little with the pillow soaking wet with tears. I had had a dream that my mom had died. Wow was it vivid!
Poor little thing!

Kathy said...

my suggestion? go out more often! I hear your friend Kathy has some free time coming to her (Dan is in New York)

Jilly said...

That is the best picture ever!