Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Seriously people. I had all these great intentions of writing to you about my week. I even have a whole post about the garage saleing I did with a girlfriend of mine, but alas. The weather has called my name. And I answered. It's been 70's and sunny. Anyone who has lived in, or grown up in MN knows, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS WEATHER!!!! How could I possibly spend time indoors with my computer? I must bring it outside. The computer that is.

Now understand. Ryan has been under the weather for the past week. Claire is bordering on sick, and Miles....well Miles is suffering some kind of apocalyptic allergy attack. I mean really. The world WILL end. All the damn snoring he does is epic. There are wild animals answering the call. I mean...his snoring is louder than when Ryan goes on a Surly (local beer) binge. It's absurd. I want to yell from my room, "ROLL OVER MILES!!!!" But he's 5 1/2, and I'm his mom, and it's rude, and it would wake everyone else up, AND it would interrupt all the corruption/coercion going on in Claire's room via creepy doll speak. I most definitely would have a lot to answer to. The who and what is what scares me into submission. I just roll over and deep sigh. At least that way Ryan wakes up and HIS snoring stops. I don't want to suffer alone.

Anyway.....bottom line, It's lovely here in MN. And the garage sales were mediocre. But my friend Shelley and I DID find this gem at one sale.

The woman told us it was a "cat toy". Yeah...and so was that sex swing she had dangling in her garage. AND the worst part...she wanted 2$ for it. USED! *shiver*

I tried to take an actual photo of said "cat toy", but the woman was watching me like a hawk. Like Shelley and I look like rogue sex toy thieves. But suffice it to say, it certainly changed the way I look at the folks living in the Stonemill Farms development. Eeegads!

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