Wednesday, March 20, 2013


That's me.

After 30 minutes of playing with the kids this morning, I took them to school. Our morning was fun. We laughed. We joked. We had a really enjoyable morning together.

Then as I pulled into the parking lot of school I hear, "Oh no mom. My math homework isn't in my folder."

I said to dear sweet Miles, "That's too bad. You'll have to tell your teacher you'll bring it tomorrow."

And then the tears started rolling.

I mean shit. I'm mean. I could have turned around and got it. We live only a mile from the school. But it's the principle of it. He had ample time to collect his belongings. I even recall saying, "Get your backpacks ready!"

And last year this was a major problem. I can't tell you how many times I went back to school to pick up homework he forgot or back home to get homework he had to turn in. It was a lot. So much so, that this morning I wasn't willing to turn around.

He was devastated. I feel bad. And a bit guilty. But damnit! I won't be there for him when he's older. He should learn the hard lessons now. Right?

Shit. I'm totally going to bring him his stupid math worksheet. Argh!!!!

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