Monday, September 14, 2009

The Fountain of Youth

I watched the MTV VMA's again last night. Even though last year I said I would never do it again.

What can I say? I have a sickness. But to my surprise, I knew about 98% of the award recipients. And most of the nominees. Unbelievable.

I also have to say, I knew pretty much all of the songs. Mostly due in part to my addiction to trashy morning radio, and my personal fave, Perez Hilton.

Just a few notes.

1: This year was to be a tribute to Michael Jackson as well as the VMA's. Michael's video montage was pretty cool. It opened the show. All introduced by Madonna, and winding up with a performance by Janet Jackson. But then for 2 straight hours. No mention of the man. Eh. I like Michael Jackson, but I don't LOVE Michael Jackson. So it was ok with me.

2: Even though Kanye verbally and rudely protested Taylor Swift's win for best female video. He's damn ballsy. Gotta like that.

3: Beyonce or however you spell her name, doesn't have to sing anymore. She just has to have a track playing in the background, wear a sparkly swim suit, and dance around in high heels. All the while her flowing locks are whipping around with a wind machine on her. Sad. And SHE is the reason Kanye protested poor little Taylor Swift's win. Whatev.

4: Never saw Taylor Swift look so.....stunned.

5: Saw an awesome preview for the new MTV challenge. I am sadly SADLY super addicted to that hot mess. I can't even deny it, it's so bad. That dirty little secret is out there.

6: Jennifer Lopez must have some kind of ego on her. She was there at the awards with her husband. All at the same time her ex husband danced around with Janet Jackson, and her ex boyfriend presented. AWK-WARD.

All in all...I feel young again. Or as Ryan indicated....pathetic. The eye roll kinda told me how he felt about the whole show. And so what? When our kids are teenagers, I'll be the "cool" parent, and Ryan will be "that" dad. Tee hee.

WIN for mommy T-Pants.


Jilly said...

All I have to say is Kanye is the biggest asshole on the face of the Earth and I don't like anything about him. WHAT a douchebag!

McVal said...

Woohoo Mommy Tpants!
I think Kanye went way out of line! My kids ADORE Taylor and I kind of like her too. He'd had way too much to drink and wrecked her moment in the spot light. I thought that was very sweet of Beyonce to call her back up on stage when it was Beyonce's turn to speak.

beth said...

just posted about this, too and i didn't watch the show. too funny. i am totes going to be the cool parent too!

Andrea said...

I watched it today, I forgot it was on so I DVR-d the replay. Fun stuff. Loved your recap, and your list. Excellent stuff!