Thursday, July 15, 2010

Is this wrong? And that's rhetorical thank you very much.

So I have never been shy about my sickness. The Vampire saga sickness that is. Be it Twilight or The Sookie Stackhouse novels. I love them all.

I love vampires who are deep and emotional and would die all over again for their lady. I have read all these books over and over so much that the book bindings are breaking.

When I get another book in either of the series, my husband says, "See ya in a few days." He just knows. Smart man. Thankfully they are very easy reads, and I can pretty much finish them with all the distractions that being a stay at home mom entail, in about 2 days at the most.

I've seen the movies for Twilight. I have groups of people that I see them with. I ALWAYS see them with my BFF. The first Twilight movie, we were so excited to see how they were going to interpret the book. Once it started the acting was so bad we gawfawed out loud in the theater multiple times. Much to the chagrin of the tweens surrounding us.

I also see these movies with my 13 year old niece...who is NOW 13, but was 12 when we saw New Moon. She swooned. Like girls her age should.

And this year with Eclipse out, I saw it for the first time (yes I said the FIRST time) with a high school friend of mine and a college friend of mine. In complete luxury. Full bar, restaurant, and leather barcaloungers. Then again with my niece and soon to be with my BFF for her birthday. Yep. I will have seen Eclipse 3 times IN the theater in the month of July alone. I imagine I'm not alone or even near the record.

Now True Blood....that's where I swoon for the vamps. Love that Eric Northman. And really? It's on tv. I can watch the dirtiness that is True Blood in the privacy of my own home. I's basically Twilight with sex. Lots and lots of sex. Oh and lots of boobs. Ryan watches it with me. He, on the other hand, will roll his eyes till I just see the whites at Twilight. Eh...can't win em all.

Even my kid knows Twilight. When we are strolling through Target's toy aisle and there are Twilight Barbies, she yells out, "Look mom! Twilights!" She's 4 and should have no idea about it, but I guess she hears EVERYTHING!

Where was I going with this? Oh yeah....I have finished reading the last Sookie Stackhouse novel in the series, and will see Eclipse one more time this month. I have the rest of the season of True Blood to look forward to. And oh yes...I'm obsessed.


Jilly said...

Wrong but right, right?

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm Eric Northman, yummie!