Thursday, April 16, 2009

I don't HEART this shit.

I got Miles into camp. Yes yes..I am mother of the year. I was up until midnight. I only dozed for a few minutes. I think.

And sure as shit at 7am when I checked....3 of the 12 slots had been filled. GAAH! And I was up at 6:30 to get the kids ready for school. Stupid Parks and Rec with their.."we're so competitive." And yes, I used the juvenile mocking voice with that quote.

Claire came home from school yesterday with a raging fever. It was strange. She was fine when I picked her up, and the minute we walked in the door....bawl fest ensued. She cried for hours then passed out. I thought it was because her mouth hurt cause she is getting those molars. But nope. She woke up with a 103 fever. Ugh. Again. Here we go a-fucking-gain.

So off to the clinic. And after several tests, no flu, no strep, no UTI. Just virus. Really?!? Now..I am not a fan of antibiotics, but to be honest, I am sick of her having fever and knowing she is contagious. I want something to kill it and stop it and get rid of it and not get the rest of us sick in the process. Oh wait...I mean get ME sick. Funny. I know I'm not the only one as the nurse who was seeing Claire said..."this is why I'm not having kids. I get sick enough with everyone else's kids. I don't want that at my house too." Jeez! I say, lady.....quit your day job.

And on another "yay me" note. Ryan got a call last night at 8PM. 8PM!!! The dude said they needed him in Texas. For 4 WEEKS. Ryan hung up the phone and said, "why did I answer that call? I should have let it go!" Seriously?!? Really?!? God. And he is going to be in Chicago for a week next week. So that means...5 weeks with Ryan traveling. I don't heart it. Silver lining I guess would be, at least I have sick kids now when he is home. is all about me bitching. But hey..this is my blog. I can bitch if I want to. Isn't there a song like that? Oh no? Well there should be.

Right now Claire has a fever but is playing with her brother. He is throwing a stick at her and yelling "fetch". And she is getting it. She is a dog I guess. Woof woof.

Ben Affleck annoys me and why the hell is Steve-O dancing on Regis and Kelly? Why the hell is Regis and Kelly on my television? Good lord. Send help now.


Kelly said...


If its any help to ya, I had the worst trip of all time to my tax persons. I'm currently reigning myself in.

SJT said...

Ohhhh....Kelly. I'm sorry. Is that why no food blog lately? Reigning yourself in monetarily? If so..I am sad.