Monday, April 6, 2009

Things that are "funny" to me

Some things are funny HA HA, and some things are, Hmmmm?That's.Funny.

~ the MN Zoo's baby animal farm is sponsored by Hormel. And their mascot is a piglet looking over a fence. Too many jokes to mention.

~ Samuel L. Jackson makes crazy cash to show up somewhere and say "Bad Mother Fucker"
I can say that all day. Where's my millions?

~ any fool can have a baby, but when Ryan and I wanted kids, we had to go through months of prying, paperwork, and interviews. Not to mention tens of thousands of dollars.

~ my 4 year old doesn't look through rose colored glasses, he sees through Star Wars "version" glasses. All the damn day long.

~ my parents are driving out to CA to see my sister, when they called the other day driving through Iowa in a blizzard, they didn't understand why there weren't any cars. I went online to see Iowa's Dept of Trans...apparently the highway they were on was CLOSED. Classic.

~ toddler or baby beauty pageants. They aren't what's so funny, it's their freak parents that crack me up.

~ when Claire goes to the bathroom she comes out and says, "that was a lots of pee!" Reminds me of some of the guys I hung out with in college.

~ my 7 year old nephew who lives in Los Angeles has a favorite tv show. The Girls Next Door. He said they are the most beautiful ladies ever. I need to have a chat with my sister. After I stop laughing.

~ Tyra Banks. That's all. Tyra Banks.

~ Vegetarians who don't eat meat for animal rights, but wear leather, eh ehemmmm *wear leather pants*, and have leather furniture cause, "all those animal carcasses would be laying around from the meat eaters otherwise."

That's about it. I have many more kid ones but....those would go on forever. And most likely, they are only funny to me. You guys have any?

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